Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Hope and a Future

Hope and a Future reminds us of the Father’s faithfulness and His determination to bring to completion and fruition the promises He has planted in our lives both in the spiritual and natural realms. 

  • Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
  • Isaiah 66:9 (NKJV) Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the LORD. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God.
  • Philippians 1:6 (AMP) I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].

{hearing} Pregnant with possibility and sensing a capacity for life and an increase / abundance of life. Part of what makes room for the “new” that Papa God has for you is that stretching. In the same way an expectant mother’s physical body expands to make room for the life that is growing, so you must be willing to embrace the gentle yet persistent stretching of the Spirit as God makes room for what He has in store. And just as natural labor brings discomfort followed by joy that makes all the stretching and pain worthwhile, so He assures you that what He has planned is worth the effort and the wait. 

A Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It is called “Cling to Hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Beloved, cling to hope tenaciously knowing I AM a good God who lavishes His love on His children. Even when things look bleak, remember every story has its ups and downs, pains and pleasures, moments of sorrow and rejoicing; and a happily ever after is dependent on where you stop the tale. Would Lazarus story be as powerful if it ended in the tomb? 

So wait for Me to move. Trust that I AM a good author weaving a beautiful tale of glorious redemption where My grace, mercy, love, and power are on full display. My plans for you are good, beloved. So cling fast to hope and wait for Me to move. Though it may not be in the way you expect, it’s always in the way that’s best.

Another Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It’s called “Satisfying Hope.”

Romans 5:5 (VOICE) And hope will never fail to satisfy our deepest need because the Holy Spirit that was given to us has flooded our hearts with God’s love.

Beloved, stand fast in hope, for I AM your hope. I AM your joy. I AM the life that brings forth more life. Press into Me. Allow Me to saturate you in My love, for in perfect love there is no fear. 

No fear that I will let you down, even though your hope is stretched thin. No fear that you are unimportant or beyond My notice; you know how precious you are to Me. No fear because you hope – standing in ready expectation – because you believe. 

You know who I AM and who you are to Me. You are Mine, and you hope in Me. And that hope satisfies your deepest needs. Be satisfied in Me. 

Beloved, I pray over you Hebrews 10:21-24 (TPT). May you know the purity that Jesus has brought you into through the covering of His blood and through that purity there is no flaw in you. In that purity you have been enabled to conceive the God given talents and anointings that He placed in you. 

Dwell in the promise and all the possibilities of that promise. God is bringing to fruit the seed He has planted in you. Share that seed with the world. That seed is pure and is bringing God’s light and power to the world. The power to deliver from evil; the power to set captives free; the power to walk in love and minister the gospel for all to see. 

Go forward Beloved. Press in. Hold fast. Let God’s love overcome all fear, doubt and feelings of inadequacy because you will birth the promise. God’s word will be fulfilled. 

Walk in the call that you are the bride of Christ and you carry His seed to the nations. Past disappointments, past hurts and seemingly dead dreams can’t keep you from clinging to the hope of the promise. God’s word never comes back to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11). It will be fulfilled. The promise will be fulfilled!

{sensing} The expectancy of the nations. The world is waiting for the seed you carry. The legacy of your seed will impact nations. And that it’s time. The birth of the promise is on the horizon.

A final Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It’s called “The Wonder Before You.”

Isaiah 43:18-19 (VOICE) …Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.

Beloved, I AM doing a new thing; be ready for it. As you keep your gaze on Me, I will guide you with My eye – so stay alert and keep watch. Trust Me to lead and trust Me to know what’s best. I make all things new. 

Yield, as I mold and shape you. Trust, as I refine and renew you. I AM transforming you from glory into glory, and I AM always at work in you. Just as a butterfly sheds the unneeded trappings of its past and flies into its beautiful future wholly transfigured, so you must step forth like Lazarus from the tomb – vibrantly alive and made new in Me with no need to look back for the wonder set before you. 

Isaiah 43:18-19 (VOICE) Eternal One: Don’t revel only in the past, or spend all your time recounting the victories of days gone by. Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.

The name of the silk in this image is Long-Awaited Promises. The colors in it are cranberry representing no flaw in you (Song of Solomon 4:7), harvest orange representing fullness, soft gold representing mercy, olive green representing oil of anointing,  storm representing removal of hindrances, imperial purple representing royalty, and bronze shimmer representing fires of testing.

Thank You, Father, for new life. Thank You for hope. And thank You that You make all things new. You are such a good God and all our hope and strength rests in You. We know we are in good hands. Glorify Yourself in us.




  1. Jean Kimball

    The silk that goes with this word is gorgeous!

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