Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Rightful Place

Rightful Place depicts one of the Father’s children leaping into the fullness of her inheritance with complete abandon and trust.

  • Isaiah 61:10 “I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” 

His beloved has been clothed in royal robes, and a crown placed on her head and below her, a scepter. The Father is awakening her to her true inheritance and a clear understanding of her place within the courts of the Living God where the water of His Spirit overflows.

A prophetic download from Elisa Eaton is connected to this. It’s called “Reigning in Him.

Recently, the Father has been teaching me about authority and what it looks like to reign in Him. I’ll often hear Him say, “reign” or “Kingdom come.” I’ll stop a realize I am unconsciously backing down from something in my thoughts, intimidated by a circumstance before me. He’s also been doing a play on words by saying “reins”; I have a vision of Him handing me reins like we’re sitting in a horse-drawn wagon. 

These reminders cause me to stop and realign my thoughts with His will. God has given us dominion in the earth, and we often don’t realize all that that entails. It’s amazing the little ways we may “give our power away.” We may give our power away to different fears, lies, and beliefs. (For example, there are moments when He has gently pointed out that when I’m anxious about my schedule, I’m fearing time itself—making time a god. And the last time I checked, our Eternal Papa has authority over time!)

I’m beginning to see how submission to our Heavenly Father is what truly empowers us to walk as His heirs. Nothing is higher than He is, but that doesn’t mean that we are allowed to exalt earthly matters and powers above ourselves. We are His children, and we are never powerless in circumstances. We just need to keep our eyes on our Abba, submit to His will, and keep our hands on the reins of the things He has set into our hands.

A series of three Prophetic Nuggets from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams are connected to this. They’re based on Matthew 6:19-21 (TPT) “Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value. Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures  for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value. For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.”

The first is called “Cultivate That Which Endures.”

Matthew 6:19 (TPT) Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value.

Beloved, resist the temptation to waste your time and resources on things that will fade away. Though in your earthly circumstance, things in the natural may feel solid and strong – they may seem to have permanence, remember that they do not.

Worldly possessions are temporal. Even if they aren’t stolen and don’t fade or break during your time with them on earth, they cannot follow you on to heaven. So cultivate that which endures, and keep your eyes fixed on My Kingdom.

The second is called “Build a Lasting Legacy.”

Matthew 6:20 (TPT) Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures  for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value.

Beloved, leave a legacy – a legacy of love. Reflect My love that all those you come in contact with might know Me. Love well and without restraint that they might know My love. Focus on consistently staying in a place of love. Refuse to allow anything to hinder your ability to pour it out, for it is desperately-needed hope to many you will meet. You may never know the impact your love has.

So focus on being filled with My love that you might be an overflowing vessel – able to pour out to those around you in abundance. In that way, beloved, you will leave a rich legacy – one that cannot rot or be stolen. So love and love well. Build a lasting legacy.

And the third one is called “Heart Treasures.”

Matthew 6:21 (TPT) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.

Beloved, look at where you spend your time, energy, and resources, for that is what you treasure. And though it’s easy to try to deceive yourself about your focus, those things don’t lie. Allow them to reveal truth.

If you find your focus is spent on temporal things, resist the urge to be hard on yourself and simply readjust your focus. Often pursuing the things of the Kingdom is a thankless job. But remember that I see you, and let that be enough. May your heart treasure that which I hold dear.

A Word called “Draw Upon Your Inheritance” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.

James 1:17 (TPT) Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change.

My children, there is a day that comes when I call each of you to put away the ways of childhood and to step into full maturity and your inheritance as sons of God. As My sons, I have provided the finest robes for you—My very own robes. Light is My garment and so, you too will be arrayed in the light of My glory, My very nature. Clothed as My royal heirs, walk the land as My Firstborn Son walked. Shine as the light of the world, and utterly drive out the darkness that is before you.

Every earthly father is called to pour all that he is and all that he knows into his children so that they will be equipped to build upon his legacy. Although I exist without limits, as your Heavenly Father I do no less for My children. I pour out My Spirit—as much of Myself as you are willing to contain—that you may be fully equipped to be about My business in the earth. I withhold no good gift from My children, therefore, I offer you the very best of who I Am. Simply, ask, beloved, ask.

Each day that you arise, just as you would clothe yourself in earthly garments, be intentional and seek revelation for how I have clothed you by My Spirit. Ask Me to equip you for the days ahead. As you encounter obstacles, ask Me for exactly what you need. By constantly asking, you will draw upon the multi-faceted anointing of the Holy Spirit which abides in you. The more frequently you ask with a heart to receive, the stronger and more natural the anointing will flow through you. Allow Me to refine and purify your faith so that the flow will be unhindered and untainted. As you draw upon My Spirit, you will walk as children of the day, able to see by the Light of My Spirit and fully able to navigate any situation that comes your way. Joyfully draw upon your inheritance, My children, and let the fullness of Christ be revealed in you.

Romans 8:19 (VOICE) For all of creation is waiting, yearning for the time when the children of God will be revealed.

A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Resting in Perfect and Constant Peace.”

Isaiah 26:3 (AMP) “You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation].

Beloved, quiet your mind and stay focused on Me. Don’t allow the distractions of the world to bring fear or chaos. Your inheritance is one of perfect and constant peace. Settle in to Me – like easing into a comfy chair and wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket – rest in the safety of My love. Be committed and focused on the love and joy that comes from Me. I AM with you always.

Take refuge here in Me. Rest in hope and confident expectation, knowing that I AM by your side, My heavenly hosts fight on your behalf, and nothing can keep Me from loving you. So trust in Me, and know that I AM God.

A prophetic download from Dorinda Agosto is connected to this. It’s called “ What if I Told You.”

What if I told You
What if I told you that you were born to be royal? What if I told you that your Father is King?
Would you believe me? Would you dare to care or would you dare to fling
Your inheritance far from where you stand, hoping for solid ground but finding only sand?
What if I told you that you were born with a purpose greater than you know?
Would you believe me? Would you dare to care or would you just go
Your own way doing your own thing? All the while forgetting your Father is King?
What if I told you that your life has a destiny to be fulfilled?
Would you believe me? Would you dare to care or would you
Fill your life with worthless things? All the while forgetting your Father is King?
What if I told you that you were unconditionally loved?
Would you believe me? Would you dare to care or would you just go
Shove your Father’s love aside? All the while forgetting that He died?
What if I told you that He rose from the grave just for you?
Would you believe me? Would you dare to care or would you just go
Ignore the cross? All the while feeling unloved and lost.
What if I told you were born to be royal, that your Father is King
Would you believe me?

The two silks in this image are Royal Birthright and Daughter of the King. The colors in Royal Birthright are imperial purple representing royalty, violet representing inheritance, gray representing living stones, white representing garment of praise, lavender representing the beauty of being known, and silver shimmer representing redemption. The colors in Daughter of the King are purple representing inheritance, amethyst representing child of the Almighty, plum representing abundance, and metallic gold representing blessing.

We pray that you too would take your rightful place, receive your inheritance, and walk in the fullness of all He’s given to you. You are royalty.

This word was expanded in July and November of 2019.


  1. Christie

    Oh Meghan – I’m going to have to pray for increase to believe that this is exactly how it’s supposed to be. This is so accurate to the spirit, I’m having trouble typing what it’s making me feel.

  2. Karen Douglas

    wow….. this is crazy beautiful.

  3. StephanieO

    I just revisited this piece this morning. Looking back over the color meanings in the silks represented has blessed me so much! May Farher show us again our inheritance and birhright in Him. What a beautiful piece. Thank you, again, for the precious work you do. Thank You, Father, for dropping these blessings into Meghan for us to glean the words from. I’ve been truly blessed all over again today! :*)

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