Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors represents our response to His signal for us to gather and unite in prayerful purpose, and stand fast for victory.
- Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.
- Isaiah 11:12 (VOICE) When God raises a signal, the whole world will hear the news of how He is assembling the people He had banished, Gathering those scattered from Judah from across the whole wide earth.
- Revelation 19:14-15 (AMP) And the armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, [dazzling] white and clean, followed Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword (His word) with which He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty [in judgment of the rebellious world].
A Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “Tenacious Warfare.”
Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.
Beloved, keep your heart tuned into My frequency and keep your eyes at the ready. Be sensitive and know the times. Listen for when I rally My people – calling them together from the east and from the west. Respond to My cry. It is time to take action.
Prepare for battle, beloved – a war fought on your knees through the righteous prayer and intercession of the saints. They are as strong and mighty as rearing stallions – bold and fearless. So listen and respond. Join the troops, be tenacious in your warfare, and remember I AM always victorious.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “rally” as “to muster for a common purpose, to recall to order, to arouse for action, to rouse from depression or weakness, to come together again to renew an effort, and to join in a common cause.” As the Lord rallies His people, He does all these things: calling us together for a common purpose, preparing us to take action, and pulling us from places of weakness, grief, or depression. He is rallying us to Himself and calling us to rally ourselves to Him. So be alert and move on His signal.
Another Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “Rally to Me.”
Isaiah 5:26 (GW) The Lord raises up a flag for the nations far away. With a whistle he signals those at the ends of the earth. Look, they are coming very quickly!
Beloved, come when I rally My people. Be sure to heed My call. Come quickly. Respond in haste – as one sensitive to My lead. For when I unite hearts for My purpose, heaven and earth are moved, atmospheres are changed, and the hearts of men respond in love and truth.
So come forth out of depression and sorrow, and step forth into the battle for victory. Rejoice and be glad as you stand in faith prepared to move. I AM that I AM – the Lord of Hosts is My name. Rally to Me.
Another Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “Stand in Faith.”
Exodus 14:14 (NLT) The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Beloved, stand in faith – that is your role. Stand, trusting Me to fight on your behalf. Trusting that I will be victorious. Trusting Me. Rally your heart, and declare My name to the nations. Stand in agreement with all I AM – the Lord strong and mighty, victorious in battle.
Beloved, stay calm – calm because you trust Me at My word. If you believe My promises, what have you to fret over? I AM true to My word. I AM faithful from generation to generation. And I AM victorious.
Your calmness is warfare. It is a declaration of trust. It is a silent battle cry. It is an act of faith. Never underestimate the power of faith nor the weight an act of faith has in the spiritual realm. So stand in faith, beloved, and watch as I move.
A Meditation of the Word called “Ride Forth” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Revelation 19:14-15 (AMP) And the armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, [dazzling] white and clean, followed Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword (His word) with which He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty [in judgment of the rebellious world].
There is a call from heaven, to don our linen robes, climb upon our horses, and ride into war with our King. But what does Kingdom warfare truly look like? In Scripture, we see a foreshadowing of Christ through the mighty warrior King David. David drew all of his strength from God alone. God preserved David in good times and in bad and ultimately empowered David to unify the Kingdom of Israel. David had perpetual victory in battle due to his strong connection with the King of Kings.
David set the model for Kingdom warfare for both the fighters that gathered to him and for believers today. He had a unique practice of inquiring of God before going into battle. When times were hardest, and even when his very allies were against him (1 Samuel 30:6), David would strengthen himself in God. It was from this place that God would direct David and proclaim the coming victory in battle. David would carefully act upon God’s directives with bold confidence; one could say he was clothed and armed in God’s mighty Word.
This is a pattern that we can follow today. When faced with trials, intercession must be our first response. In the secret place, we will find the Living Word of God and be able to cloth and equip ourselves with it. The Word is always “now,” with a life-giving perspective for every situation we face. But from the secret place, we must also be ready to act upon God’s Word when necessary. We must be prepared to get up on our horses and ride forth in our God-given commissions.
No matter what trial you are facing today, remember, that it is not by accident. The King of Kings has need of you. He is ready and willing to empower you to overcome. Therefore, run to the secret place, listen for His voice, and fearlessly act upon His instructions.
Psalm 16:7-8 (NKJV) I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
A word from Lana Vawser called “The Movers and Shakers are Arising” is connected to this. The full word can be found on her website at In the word she’s sharing that God has said it’s a season change for those who have been under fierce attack from the enemy. They’ve been shaken and battled fiercely, but now they are being empowered and commissioned. Now they are doing the moving and the shaking and operating in a Breaker anointing. The power of their testimonies becomes a rallying point for the Body of Christ to get together behind. The time is now.
A word from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this. It is called “Lead the Charge.”
My vessel, you have been anointed for war. Even more, I have called you to lead others into battle. You know well that the weapons you wield are mighty in Me and not of this earth. I have anointed you with breakthrough power and might by My Spirit. Long-standing hinderances to the manifestation of My Kingdom will crumble when you lift up My Word as a banner. Through Me, you will overcome.
Through your wilderness training ground, you have been made ready for this day. A single mighty one in Me who clings to My Word is stronger than a military battalion. Therefore, know that as you build up and embolden others in the faith, the combined might of My Body will become the strongest force on earth. Resist the urge to focus on your weaknesses and shortcomings. Doing so will only cause you to lose sight of the vision I have placed in you. Instead, trust in My judgment. I have chosen you, and I have chosen well. Remember, I do not choose leaders based on their outward appearance or natural capabilities, instead, I look at the heart.
As your Commander, when I give you a military goal, rejoice for the battle has already been won! Keep your eyes fixed on Me and continue to walk in all that I have taught you. What you learned of My Word in the small battles will have tremendous power when applied to larger battles. Even more, you will act as a rallying point for others as they see how easily you are able to move through strongholds when clothed with My might. You know where your power comes from and it comes as you rest in Me and stand upon My Word.
Therefore, I say, lead My charge. Follow in My footsteps. Let your feet be as My feet and your hands be as My hands and let us operate as one to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Through you, I will forge new pathways for young warriors to follow in, and we will take new territory in the promised inheritance of My people. Beloved, rise to this new challenge with a confidence that is well rooted in Me. Allow this new aspect of your calling to be the vehicle that will cultivate a deeper connection between you and I.
Deuteronomy 20:1-4 (VOICE) Moses: This is how you should act during wartime: When you go to battle against your enemies, if you see their army is larger than yours and they have horses and chariots, don’t be afraid of them! The Eternal your God is with you—the same God who defeated Pharaoh and brought you out of Egypt. As you are approaching the battlefield, your priest will come over to you and address you: “Listen, Israel! Today you’re going to fight a battle against your enemies. Don’t be intimidated by them! Don’t be afraid! Don’t run away! Don’t let them terrify you! The Eternal, your True God, has come out here with you, and He’ll fight for you against your enemies and save you.”
2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (ESV) For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
A final Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “We Will Win the Day.”
Psalm 89:21 (VOICE) My strong hand will stay with him and sustain him, regardless of trial or foe. My mighty arm will be his strength and shield.
Beloved, be not concerned for the battle ahead, for victory is assured. The trials – though not easy – are surmountable with Me. Strength and character are honed in the fight, and singlemindedness of purpose.
Embrace these blessings rather than simply longing for it to be over, which only seems to drag out the process. Trust that I AM sustaining you and My hand is at work for good, and that we will win the day.
The lyrics from Bethel’s song “We Will Not Be Shaken” are connected to this. This song highlights a sense of solidarity in the Body of Christ in the face of trials. We rally around our King, drawing strength from His unfailing love for us. We do not need to be moved by our circumstances when we know the One who is with us to give us the victory!
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Destroying Strongholds. The colors in it are black representing hidden in His quiver, gold representing the glory of the Lord, white representing holiness, bronze shimmer representing righteous judgement, and gold shimmer representing abiding in Him.
Father, thank You for drawing us in. Thank You for Your Assured victory. Thank You that You build our character in the trials bringing unique blessings from hardship that cannot be developed through anything else. Your tender care sustains us through all. You are trustworthy. Our eyes will stay fixed on You.
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