Paniym (H6734) [Face or Presence] representing that those who have a “face to face” or “presence to presence” relationship with God learn from Him directly. They dwell in intimacy, learn from Christ, and eat from the hand of God. They can truly say, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ”.
1 Corinthians 11:1 (NKJV) Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.
Exodus 33:9-11 (NKJV) And it came to pass, when Moses entered the tabernacle, that the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the LORD talked with Moses. All the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the tabernacle door, and all the people rose and worshiped, each man in his tent door. So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. And he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.
A Prophetic Nugget called “Come Soar in My Love” from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this.
Exodus 13:22 (GW) The column of smoke was always in front of the people during the day. The column of fire was always there at night.
Beloved, I AM always with you and I will never leave you. Abide with Me. Absorb the peace found in My presence and let your spirit take flight. As you soar with Me, feel the wind of My Spirit. Let Me bring you higher and higher. Trust Me.
Place your hand in Mine, beloved. Let Me carry you away. Behold, you are beautiful My love and you have captured My heart. You have captivated My gaze. You are the apple of My eye, the center of my world. Just as young lovers cannot get enough of each other’s presence, so I long to be with you. Will you abide with Me? Come soar in My love.
An Excerpt from “Heaven Awaits the Bride: A Breathtaking Glimpse of Eternity” by Anna Rountree is connected to this piece.
The view of the circling mountain range and valley below was breathtaking, but I did not know where we were. The air was clean there, and the view from such a high ledge was sweeping in its expanse. The mountains and the valleys were lush green. There were passing clouds and shadows from the slant of the sun. Beautiful—but it was not Paradise.
As I viewed the surrounding mountain range, a string of very large paper dolls floated by.
The great Eagle spoke, “So much of what is happening now in the body of Christ is like paper dolls—one copying the other.”
The paper dolls disappeared, and an eagle of pure gold flew by. “I am looking for an eagle of gold, Anna—rare beyond measure.” As He spoke, power like a surge of electricity ran all over the eagle of gold. It became pure white, like the great white Eagle. “The golden eagle becomes like Me,” He said.
Then a line of large, paper, cut-out eagles floated across the mountain range. They were hooked together as the floating paper dolls had been.
He continued, ”There are many eagles, for I am generous with the gift of the Holy Spirit. But, Anna, I am giving you an invitation to become an eagle of gold.”
Suddenly I saw a rocket blast off from the earth and shoot into heaven. The great Eagle continued, “The golden eagle’s nest is in heaven. The golden eagle does not even eat earthly food. It feeds above. The paper doll eagles catch fish, kill snakes, chase rabbits; but the eagle of gold breathes the ether above. It does not seek after or eat carrion. The golden eagle eats from the hand of God until it looks and smells and is like Me—pure white. There are many that look like Me, but you must eat from the hand of God to be like Me.”
His eyes were aflame now. “Will you fly with Me, Anna, over streets of gold? Will you fly with Me over lakes so clear that the bottom is as the top? Leave the snakes, the bugs, the rabbits running rabbit trails. Come with Me and feed from the hand of God.”
This piece is connected to the Presence or Parousia of God.
Strong’s H6440 pânîym (pronounced paw-neem’) the face (as the part that turns), countenance, favor, person, presence.
Strong’s G3952 parousía (pronounced par-oo-see’-ah) is an ancient Greek word meaning presence, arrival, or official visit. It is used mainly to refer to the physical presence of a person or the prospect of their physical arrival. It especially is connected to the official visit of a royal or some other official. Hence “a royal visit”.
He gave a vision of a crown with emerald jewels being “set” firmly down into a place in the earth. Next, He showed this same crown being placed upon the head of one of His overcomers who was seated upon a throne. There was a sense that this overcomer had just been appointed to one of the thrones of David (Psalm 122:5). The crown represented the crown of life (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10).
Just as jewels are cut, polished, and refined before being set, so He is doing to you as you abide in His presence. Face to face. Paniym. This is connected to a word from Bill Burns from Tabernacle of Faith called “The Thrones of David” (Psalm 122:5). An excerpt is below:
I then saw three houses in Zion, which were called the House of Restoration, the House of Priests, and the House of Kings. These houses were for the purpose of preparing the Third Day Church to rule and reign with Jesus Christ in this, the Day of His Power. The third house (kings) was the last house into which we would enter and be taught by the Master Teacher. This house was a place of preparation for the kings of the earth (Revelation 21:24). This house would prepare the kings of the Third Day to rule with Jesus over the spiritual kingdoms of this world.
As the Lord has been building upon His Words about His parousia/presence He’s been speaking specifically that it is now time for “His royal court to come forth”, His government of overcomers. He speaks of them like the poker hand called the “Royal Flush”, the highest possible hand there is. The presence and power of God is with these “royal high cards”. His “hand” will be seen as He uses them like He once used Moses, “trumping” the power of the enemy.
Surrender yourself beloved to His fiery presence. Allow Him to finish His work that you might be the shining jewel in His crown you are called to be. That you may walk in your role as His offspring – you are royalty. He’s calling you to act on His behalf in His sovereignty. Be prepared. Hover in the Paniym – face-to-face in His holy presence. Allow Him to refine you. Emulate Him.
1 Peter 5:10 (VOICE) After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace who has called you [to His everlasting presence] through Jesus the Anointed will restore you, support you, strengthen you, and ground you.
The lyrics to “Soul on Fire” by Third Day are connected to this.
God, I’m running for Your heart, I’m running for Your heart, Till I am a soul on fire
Lord, I’m longing for Your ways, I’m waiting for the day
When I am a soul on fire, Till I am a soul on fire
Lord, restore the joy I had And I have wandered, bring me back
In this darkness, lead me through Until all I see is You, yeah
Lord, let me burn for You again, Let me return to You again
And Lord, let me burn for You again, And let me return to You again
The silk in this image is a multi-silk wing called His Abiding Presence, which is comprised of two silks: Cloud by Day and Fire by Night. These silks were inspired by the columns of the Lord’s presence mentioned in Exodus 13:22.
Father, may we surrender to Your work in us. May we be refined and made glorious in Your presence. May we make time to stay in that holy place – meeting face-to-face, Your Paniym – and may You have Your way.
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