Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Third Watch

ThirdWatch-SMThird Watch depicts third watch warriors in intercession – standing on His promises and declaring He is faithful to His covenant.

“Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) are those servants whom the master finds awake and watching when he arrives. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he will prepare himself to serve, and will have them recline at the table, and will come and wait on them. Whether he comes in the second watch (before midnight), or even in the third (after midnight), and finds them so [prepared and ready], blessed are those servants.” Luke 12:37-38 (AMP)

The third watch is considered to be the watch with the heaviest spiritual activity. The enemy, using the time of day when most are at rest, goes forth and works to wreaks havoc. What some call the “witching hour” constitutes the first hour of this watch (beginning at midnight). It is a time when witches, warlocks, and satanists strive to open doors in the earthly realm for the evil one. Third watch is a time to battle against those ploys and all the plans of the enemy. This watch requires strong, seasoned intercession without fear and with a deep understanding of the authority He has given us; those whose gaze can remain steadfast on Him, His covenant, His promises.

His promises are enduring. Night and day, in every season, His promises prevail – His covenant holds true. Our role is to press into those promises in faith through prayer and worship in all its forms, because in worship we are declaring He is faithful and that we believe He will stand by His covenant. It is a way of declaring assured victory in the midst of battle. It is a fierce weapon because it both declares defeat to the enemy as well as reminding us (and those around us) of the truth of who He is, His character, and that He can be trusted – thus encouraging faith to remain steadfast. In this sense, worship truly becomes as effective a form of intercession as prayer. And when they are used in tandem, Spirit-led prayer and worship become a force to be reckoned with and through which many of the enemy’s designs can be thwarted. Thus making it vital for those called to cover third watch to saturate it with this type of intercession.

Father, may all those You’ve called to intercede during the third watch heed Your call and stand fast. May we speak peace and come against the confusion of the enemy. We ask for wisdom to know when and how to pray and worship that we might be most effective derailing the plans the evil one has as we align ourselves and situations to Your will through fervent intercession. May we be found active and ready, fully prepared in our watch time!

The silk in this image is Embraced.


Third Watch Third Watch word Dyed4you silk called Embraced


  1. Tonia

    Excellent depiction and word over this watch time! Thank you Meghan for hearing and seeing what Father is saying for now.

  2. Julie

    I was just mulling over how I see things, I don’t want to see and this so perfectly puts it back in perspective. Encouraging, timely and beautiful, as always!

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