Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Secret Place


Secret Place represents the spiritual stronghold in the Father’s protection and love.

“You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble. You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah [pause, and calmly think about that]!” Psalm 32:7 AMP

The name of the silk in this image is Intimate Devotion. The colors in it are earthy red representing apple of His eye, turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, mahogany brown representing depth of God’s love, and metallic bronze representing beauty of the Lord.

{hearing} Fear not. Release your worry. Press into Me and trust Me to preserve you and deliver you.  I surround you and inhabit you as you yield to Me. Stay in the secret place, hiding in Me – in My word. Allow praise and worship to pour forth from you regardless of circumstance. Stand fast and rest in Me. I am your hiding place – your secret, quiet place. Selah.

Father, may we surrender wholeheartedly. Happily laying down burdens that aren’t ours to carry. Forgive us for ever surrendering to fear and worry. May we learn to wholly rest in You, trusting You to be who You say You are in Your word, knowing that in You we are safe.



Secret Place 5x7 format Secret Place 5x7 word Secret Place 8x10 format Silk named Intimate Devotion


  1. Jeanne Kimball

    I love this! I wish I could order one for me and one for Viola. 🙂

  2. Jessica S.

    Oh, Megan…this is so beautiful, and the word that goes with it is going to affect a LOT of people deeply. We all give in to fear & worry, I think, and the Father is so faithful to pull us back out of it. You’ve been on my heart so much lately, so it makes me very happy to see how much you’ve been up to lately! I pray the Father continues to give you divine inspiration. I love seeing what you do with it 🙂

  3. Tonia Borowski

    Beautiful picture and beautiful words, so much peace in both. Thank YOU FATHER for this art, words and Meghan!

  4. Karen Douglas

    This is so Right Now for me. Perfect answer to need and prayer. Th II s speaks to me on every level.

    Visually, when I dance, this is the place I go. The castle, the pillars. The sunrise, the glorious sunrise. HIS coming up more and more in me, dispelling the darkness, gently, inexorably, steadfastly, beautifully.

    The word….I am once again in a dark place…needing to put my whole trust in Him and His plan. Walking by knowing who He is and how He regards me and not by what is all around me. This is answered prayer.

    Thank you Abba. Thank you Meghan.

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