Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

His Children

His Children depicts the peace and joy we experience when we receive the love of the Father.

“See what [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!…” 1 John 3:1

As His children we are His sheep (Psalm 100:3) and so He loves us and protects us, always watching us – mindful of each and every need and desire long before we have opportunity to voice them.

Flowing from the children’s hands are silks called Daughter of the King and Royalty. The colors in Royalty are purple representing royalty and kingdom authority and gold shimmer representing blessing. The colors in Daughter of the King are purple representing inheritance, amethyst representing child of the Almighty, plum representing abundance, and metallic gold representing blessing. These silks symbolize our true identity as His children.

I pray that you would receive the fullness of His love and be counted as a child of God, that you would experience the peace and joy that flows from that love, and that you would reflect His love from your life.


  1. Julie

    Oh this is so sweet! What a wonderful truth it depicts and it really is captured so beautifully in the image. I will go to sleep in complete peace with this image in my mind.

  2. Amanda E

    Can’t wait to get this for Maddy’s room. She’s going to love it.

  3. Tami L

    I don’t know how i missed this one. I love it!!! As i was reading it I was thinking this would look lovely in my granddaughters bedroom, she will love it 🙂 Then I read Amanda’s E comment and she too is wanting it for Maddy’s room. I love the word that goes with it, it is such a beautiful word of how God see’s us and loves on so much… Emma’s birthday is in March so i will be purchasing one soon.

  4. Veronica

    I love the way they are dancing and carefree while the Lion is vigilant. It speaks volumes!

  5. Dawn Fraley

    While I navigated here to this series and when I immediately saw this artwork I immediately received his Light and His blessing of love to the realization that I truly am his daughter. The adoption as sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:28). The art reminds me of who I use to be and who I will be in eternity. Is very healing and serving His promise to us our inheritance.

  6. Elaine


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