Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries
This week’s release, Transformed by the Spirit, was inspired by and is a derivative piece from the Heir of Promise art piece. We knew from its inception we wanted it as a Dyed4you Art flag and it was created with that end in mind, but what a beautiful journey!
Continue readingThis week’s release called Invitation to Love was inspired by a class I’ve been taking. As part of the beginning of the class we were challenged to truly accept ourselves with all our perceived flaws. For many this was harder than one might expect. So many of us judge ourselves harshly – often reflecting back to ourselves the judgement we’ve learned from others. But God sees us differently, and He is inviting us into a new place. A place where we choose to love ourselves – and then everything else flows from that place. I welcome you to join on that journey. I pray the art and it’s word bless you!
Continue readingThis week’s release is another from the No Fear series and it is called Embrace the Adventure. It’s already hanging in 20×30 poster size as a reminder to walk in confident boldness. A beautiful reminder and persistent intercession over his life. We pray you art blessed by the art and its word too!
Continue readingThis week’s release, The Power of His Presence (A Throne Room Encounter) [multi-art set], came together as the result of an impromptu combining of two throne-room-related Dyed4you Art flags: Fiery Glory and River of God, which are based on Throne Room Glory and Rivers of Living Water – the art pieces included in this set. One recipient shared this response to her Throne Room Encounter flags:
Continue readingThis week’s release, Flavor Your World (Salt), is a reminder of the call we all have to be salt and light – gee, that almost sounds like an art pairing 😉
It has an Inspired Flow Art piece embedded in it as well as the scriptural reminder on it. We pray the art and its word bless you!
Continue readingThis week’s release is a multi-art collection called Fire and Water, which includes our Fiery Extravagant Love and River of Life pieces. This set was created for our Fire and Water mismatched pair of Dyed4you Art flags. One of the first recipients shared these comments:
Continue readingThis week’s release is called Wings of the Spirit, and it’s also our newest Dyed4you Art flag release, The Dove. And when the first flags went out – there was a sweet testimony of confirmation (yay God!), which you can read below. We pray the art and its word bless you!
Continue readingExcited to announce this week’s release, Rivers of Living Water, which also happens to be the newest addition to our Dyed4you Art flag line and as a flag it is called River of God. It was originally created as a Prophetic “Portrait” along with a coordinating Crinkle Silk (which she used as a streamer veil) – and the recipient was blessed by it (as well as the other items she received). This is her 5-star review from Etsy:
Continue readingLast week as we were introducing Embrace Gratitude, we mentioned the other art piece we would be releasing that included the Songs of Ascent (the Steps) Prophetic Nugget collection we shared last week on the Dyed4you Ministries blog, and this week’s release – Refreshing Worship – is that piece (we actually shared this piece briefly in the form of a card this past week on Lunchtime Live). It was the original inspiration for the Prophetic Nugget collection, and is a derivative piece from Refreshing Love. We pray that the art and its word bless you!
Continue readingThis week’s release was inspired by our Prophetic Nugget collection Songs of Ascent (The Steps). When I saw the number of nuggets in this collection and realized it would extend over two of the Dyed4you Ministries Lunchtime Live livestream broadcasts. I knew one week would be the release of the art piece connected to the Songs of Ascent (The Steps) collection (Refreshing Worship, which is coming next week – and its a beauty), but I asked God what to do the other corresponding day. He immediately highlighted the topic of the nugget that would fall on the other Lunchtime Live – gratitude. As soon as I saw the topic, He began stirring ideas, and Embrace Gratitude was born. I pray it blesses you, and if you’re interested in hearing more I shared about it this past week in Lunchtime Live – Love is Reflected in Love.
Continue readingThis week’s release, Garden of His Love, is another piece that began as a Prophetic “Portrait” – this one was created as a gift. What a beautiful kiss from heaven Papa gave this recipient! We pray that the art and its word bless you as well.
Continue readingThis week’s release, Healing Rain, has a bit of a fun story to go with it. For several weeks now, God has been talking with me about a Healing Rain Dyed4you Art flag. Since we had an image called Healing Rain (the original one), I was initially confused when I got a check about making it into a flag.
Continue readingThis week’s release, Created to Create, began as a Prophetic “Portrait” given as a gift to a prophetic artist whose work I’ve fallen in love with: Jessica Smith. As I was thinking of her and the blessing her work has been to me, Papa began stirring the idea for this piece. When it was complete I also made a copy for my office (below) as well as gifting one to another artist friend. Beautiful how Papa blessed each of us through this piece! I pray the art and its word bless you too.
Continue readingThis week’s release, Apple of His Eye, began as many do – as a Prophetic “Portrait”. We began with one word from Papa – cherished, and it all came together from there resulting in a beautiful love letter to the recipient. She shared, “The picture is amazing! …I will be soaking in this love letter for awhile.” She shares the whole story along with its coordinating silk and Dyed4you flute in our post Soaking in a Love Letter from God. We pray that you are blessed by the art and its word!
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