Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Category: D4Y Art Stories (Page 2 of 2)

Interconnected Art

img_2052I find it so cool when we get to collaborate prophetically. As we operate in the flow, He moves through each of us and allows the various threads to interconnect and frankly I just find that beautiful!

This is written by a friend who is part of the Dyed4you Art community. She shares about her experiences with our Clothed with Power from on High piece, and an art piece she created that was inspired from it. This was originally a post from a forum in the Quickened Word (You’ll have to sign up to be able to access this post directly), which she tweaked specifically for us.  I hope you’re as blessed by it as I was! Continue reading

Reclaiming the Night

Night Revelation on displayRecently someone received a 16×20 of Night Revelation as a prophetic choice Dyed4you Art piece. As it happens, this recipient has been plagued by night terrors for several years – you can imagine how frustrating and tiring it would be to have your sleep (not to mention your peace) constantly being stolen from you. So when Father picked Night Revelation, which includes in its word a declaration that Father is redeeming the time spent in sleep, and it specificalling includes that He’s ending night terrors – well, the recipient was blown away and weeping at God’s goodness!  Continue reading

Encouraging Confirmation

lisa-bI love how Father works! In this art story, we get to hear about how He blessed the person who was used in the image with the image He birthed. He put it on my heart to give printcards of the 3 newest art pieces that used the same model (so far she’s in Make Haste, True Wisdom, Releasing All, and Winter has Passed). Below is the story of how He used Winter has Passed to confirm a word He’d given her – beautiful! Continue reading

Reminder to Stand in the Gap

Another story from someone who ordered a personal prophetic 8×10.  It’s so fun to hear these stories coming in much like the scarf stories on Dyed4you.

I am so in love with this piece. I think it’s a perfect representation of the beauty and strength of the power of God’s Word. I think a woman’s true beauty is exposed when she walks in the knowledge of who she is in Christ. Continue reading

Beautiful Confirmation

I’m enjoying reading the testimonies that are coming in from the artwork now that people can simply order a blank size and have me send whatever the Lord says.  With this image, I had created it and asked the Lord what I was to do with it… the order came in the next day 🙂

Omgosh… I got the picture yesterday and I was sooo surprised. It was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Continue reading

Silent Auction

A neat story about a fundraiser that Dyed4you Art and Dyed4you donated some items to – love how God moves even in moments like these 🙂

The young adults ministry Remnant at my church was having a silent auction the first weekend in August. We had it during our church’s annual BBQ & Rib Fest. The money raised was to help us continue outreach to our community, to college campuses here in Columbus, and to help with our website. I knew I wanted to ask Meghan to prayerfully consider a donation, and she was very gracious to do so! Now, admittedly, this silent auction was brought up last minute and left only a little under 2 weeks to “campaign” for donations. Continue reading

Confirmation of Word

Ryan received Reclaiming the Heart as a gift and it confirmed a prophetic word he’d received a couple weeks earlier.  Below is a portion of the word:

I also got a picture of a sword. You have been fighting and there are times when you don’t think you can go on but the Lord says to keep going beloved. His hands are going to be around your hands to grasp the sword and keep waring…Victory is the is finished! Continue reading

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