Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: confirmation (Page 1 of 2)

Introducing: Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom – Dyed4you Art

This week’s release, Peaceable Kingdom, is also our newest Dyed4you Art flag (it’s on Etsy)! This beautiful piece actually incorporates another Dyed4you Art piece: Come to the River. Just after I made the art one of our Dyed4you Community members contacted me because she felt she was to have a Lion and the Lamb Dyed4you Art flag – talk about confirmation! This is what she shared on social media, “Meghan is God’s Love for me and confirmation in her banners of what God is doing in my Life!!” God is so good! We hope the art and its word bless you too.

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An Amazing “Accident”

A while back, I “accidentally” ordered the wrong size printcards of a couple of Dyed4you Art pieces (one of which was Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors). After getting over being frustrated at my mistake and annoyed at having “wasted the money” getting them, God told me He had a purpose for them and to give them away as He directed. So when prompted, I include one when I ship an order. We got to hear about someone else who was blessed by the Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors mini printcard (Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art), and here is someone else who was blessed by hers. I love how God works in our “mistakes!”  Continue reading

Introducing: Faithful Victory & God Knowing Best

This week’s release, Faithful Victory, began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. Part of what I love about her testimony (which is shared below) is that she’s still chewing on part and waiting on the full revelation. So often that’s the case! We don’t have to “get it” all at once. We can prayerfully ponder it and enjoy as Papa reveals layer by layer as we wait on Him. We hope you’re blessed by the art and its word as well as by the testimony below. Continue reading

Introducing: Emboldened by the Sustaining Source

This week’s release, Emboldened by the Sustaining Source, is another Dyed4you Art release that began as a Prophetic “Portrait” . The recipient left a 5-star review on Etsy with the following comment, “I love the prophetic art and silk that I received! Absolutely beautiful!! The word aligns with others that I have received. Such a blessing. Thank you so much!” We hope the art and its word bless you too! Continue reading

Introducing: Sun of Righteousness

This week’s release was one of our first Prophetic “Portraits” – it is called Sun of Righteousness,  and it is part of of “painted” series.  The original recipient shared, “…the silk and portrait spoke to what God and I have been dialoguing…I love that the name of the silk is Life Giver and that it’s Sun of Righteousness. He’s not disappointed in me!” I hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Flaming Sword

Thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our Angel series called Flaming Sword. This piece was originally created as a Prophetic Portrait that was given as a gift to Larisa of Dyed4you. She was overwhelmingly blessed by it. It was inspired by a joint vision Father gave as we were praying together. The word that came forth to go with the art both blessed her and brought confirmation – hopefully at some point she’ll share her longer testimony, but in the meantime her immediate response is shared below as well as the link to read the full word, which we pray will bless you too! Continue reading

A Mistake?

Love this story and how it shows that even when we “think” there’s an oops, God is at work. There is grace in the process! She ordered an 8×10, but neglected to specify the image she wanted. She didn’t realize her mistake until this gift was opened… oops! But God had other plans. 🙂 Continue reading

Encouraging Confirmation

lisa-bI love how Father works! In this art story, we get to hear about how He blessed the person who was used in the image with the image He birthed. He put it on my heart to give printcards of the 3 newest art pieces that used the same model (so far she’s in Make Haste, True Wisdom, Releasing All, and Winter has Passed). Below is the story of how He used Winter has Passed to confirm a word He’d given her – beautiful! Continue reading

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