Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 10 of 15)

Introducing: Closed Doors

closeddoorsClosed Doors is our newest release. It was inspired by an art piece by someone else (see below). This piece was shared with me by one of you, it was being given as a gift to their son-in-law. When Closed Doors was completed, it was a word for him as well and it blessed him very much – they said it was perfect! It’s always interesting to me how He will give us different downloads from specific imagery (like a closed door), but with overlapping elements (like the water). I pray the art and its word bless you as well 🙂 Continue reading

Introducing: Prodigals Return Home

prodigalsreturnhomeAs I was setting up several week’s worth of Dyed4you Art releases, the Lord put very strongly on my heart to release this piece: Prodigals Return Home. I believe as we kick off this new year, it’s time for us to agree in prayer for our loved ones that have wandered away from the Lord. This piece was inspired by someone I love, and I know most if not all of us have at least one person who heavily burdens your heart. So we just say yes and amen, Father! Bring the prodigals home!  Continue reading

Introducing: Let Us Return

letusreturnLet Us Return is the most recent piece in our Hosea series, which is near and dear to my heart. Not sure how many of you are avid readers, but I am – and the book that started it for me was Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love.  She describes it as “A retelling of the biblical love story of Gomer and Hosea, set against the romantic backdrop of the California Gold Rush.” My heart was deeply moved and Hosea became a favorite book to study – thus the birthing of this series. I pray it blesses you! Continue reading

Introducing: Not Defeated

notdefeatedFun story around our newest release’s creation! Not Defeated was created one evening, and I confess I was a bit surprised because it’s what I think of as “man art” and typically that’s not my style – LOL – but I liked it and had a strong sense of the word. The next morning I documented the outline of the word and a little bit later someone called wanted to order art as a gift for a man and immediately I knew this piece had been created in advance for just this purpose! The word was given and was such an encouragement. Friends confirmed it was right on. God is so awesome 🙂 Continue reading

Introducing: Command the Atmosphere

command the atmosphereAnother addition to the “Painted” and Revelation (Mysteries of God) series, I’m excited to introduce Command the Atmosphere!  This piece is a powerful reminder of our ability to shift the atmosphere wherever we go, and in fact our ability to do it even more decisively than that. We are His vessels, carrying the power of His Holy Spirit – this isn’t about personalities and giftings, this is about being willing vessels ready to be used to allow our light to dispel the darkness. We pray it blesses you!  Continue reading

Introducing: Philia (Brotherly Love)

philia_brotherlyloveThis piece was inspired by my sister, who is one of my best friends. When I saw the stock image initially of the two horses playing – they just struck me deeply because I saw in them love, joy, camaraderie, playfulness… all things that bring to mind the meany seasons with my sister. Thus Philia was born (Philia being Greek for brotherly love). I hope you all are blessed by the art and its word as well as however God speaks to you through it – perhaps it’s not a sibling word to you – that’s ok! No rules here but one: Whatever God Says. Be blessed!  Continue reading

Introducing: Peace like a River

peace like a riverThis image (Peace like a River) inspired the newest grouping: The Peace series (which Double Rest was added to). This image is connected to The Scent of Heaven’s Shalom anointing oil. Below is an image of this print and its word hanging over a dear friend’s infant’s bed (along with a Dyed4you silk called Promises of God). The word she was given was “shalom” (Hebrew for peace) and this is what Father had for her. 🙂 We pray it blesses you too!  Continue reading

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