Fun story around our newest release’s creation! Not Defeated was created one evening, and I confess I was a bit surprised because it’s what I think of as “man art” and typically that’s not my style – LOL – but I liked it and had a strong sense of the word. The next morning I documented the outline of the word and a little bit later someone called wanted to order art as a gift for a man and immediately I knew this piece had been created in advance for just this purpose! The word was given and was such an encouragement. Friends confirmed it was right on. God is so awesome 🙂 Continue reading
Tag: perfect (Page 2 of 2)
Recently someone received a 16×20 of Night Revelation as a prophetic choice Dyed4you Art piece. As it happens, this recipient has been plagued by night terrors for several years – you can imagine how frustrating and tiring it would be to have your sleep (not to mention your peace) constantly being stolen from you. So when Father picked Night Revelation, which includes in its word a declaration that Father is redeeming the time spent in sleep, and it specificalling includes that He’s ending night terrors – well, the recipient was blown away and weeping at God’s goodness! Continue reading
This is a commissioned piece we created a few months back for I’m Free a ministry serving molestation and incest survivors. The piece is based on John 8:36 (AMP) “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” Some of the things I saw in the spirit going into this were dawn of a new day, broken chains, wings (spiritual warfare), and a kneeling “soul”. The image I was seeing was darker but, with the light – the dawn – breaking through. And all this came together to create this piece, which the ministry is using on its website (see below). Continue reading
We are blessed to get to see how people display their Dyed4you Art regularly, regrettably I’m not great at always remembering to share it with you too. So this post is a grouping of some of the images that have been shared with us though not all by the same person. It’s always fun to see how people choose to display the images and whether or not they also display the word.
We receive beautiful feed back on the art so often, and I apologize I don’t do better of sharing some of those testimonies with you all! This is one we got recently when a woman selected a giftset with a large silk for her friend and had us add an extra small silk for her too. When we went to ship Abba nudged us to send a printcard along to go with her silk as well. Here’s the feedback she shared: Continue reading
Rarely do I post links to old stories on our Facebook page, but today when at the Father’s prompting I posted a link to another testimony about this art piece, He surfaced another story! It was a blessing to me and I’m sure may be to some of you 🙂 Continue reading
Here’s a story from someone who was given a D4Yart Gift Certificate and ordered two posters, Come Away and had us do one prophetically, which was the then unreleased Uncharted. Love what she shared… Continue reading
Another story from someone who ordered a personal prophetic 8×10. It’s so fun to hear these stories coming in much like the scarf stories on Dyed4you.
I am so in love with this piece. I think it’s a perfect representation of the beauty and strength of the power of God’s Word. I think a woman’s true beauty is exposed when she walks in the knowledge of who she is in Christ. Continue reading