Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: gift (Page 2 of 2)

Double Blessing

KingOfGlory_FBWe receive beautiful feed back on the art so often, and I apologize I don’t do better of sharing some of those testimonies with you all! This is one we got recently when a woman selected a giftset with a large silk for her friend and had us add an extra small silk for her too. When we went to ship Abba nudged us to send a printcard along to go with her silk as well. Here’s the feedback she shared: Continue reading

Depiction of Father’s Words

A couple months ago someone asked me to prayerfully consider creating a piece of artwork for a conference called the Gathering of the Eagles. Iā€™d been seeking the Father for the vision for the artwork for a month (and frankly was beginning to wonder if He was going to give me one) when I was called to pray over my pastor before service with another prayer warrior. Continue reading

Prophetic Gifts

This came from someone who ordered a number of printcards from the gallery.

I recently purchased several printcards from your website. I want to let you know that I am part of the dance ministry at my church and I bought these printcards to give as Birthday gifts to the ladies on the team. The ladies that have received them have really been blessed. Your artwork is blessed. I heard about you via a link from PraiseMovesContinue reading

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