Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 6 of 15)

Introducing: Hope and a Future

Excited to introduce this new piece of Scripture Art called Hope and a Future. I had begun seeing a new Dyed4you Art image with a pregnant belly. Prompted by an upcoming baby shower for my goddaughter and inspired by a long-time friend and artist Laura, I was immediately reminded of her piece called Surely I Was Always (below). That feel kept stirring unto Hope and a Future came forth (I share the timelapse of its creation below). I hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Altar of Praise

For those who enjoy seeing the Dyed4you Art pieces that feature various instruments, we’re excited to introduce the newest one which features an instrument that somehow hadn’t made it into a previous piece – the guitar! This beautiful new addition to the Worship Warfare series is called Altar of Praise. It is a derivative art piece to a custom piece we did a while back as a gift for an anointed, longtime worship leader, Kent Henry (whose hands still show in this image), of Carriage House Ministries (if you watch my flagging videos you’ve likely heard him or one of his kids who are grown and anointed worship leaders in their own right). We pray that this piece and its word bless (and challenge) you. Continue reading

Introducing: Bondage Breaker (and Bondage Breaker: the Shield)

Very excited to introduce this week’s release (and not just because it features my hubby), a multiart set called Bondage Breaker including last week’s release, Bondage Breaker: the Sword, and a piece we are releasing this week called Bondage Breaker: the Shield.  If you follow our Prophetic Nuggets on Dyed4you Ministries, you heard the story of the creation of Bondage Breaker: the Shield in our post YHVH Tsur (the Lord my Strength). It is a beautiful story of patience, persistence, obeying the leading of Holy Spirit, and taking each step as it comes. I hope you are blessed by both these pieces and the words and story that goes with them!  Continue reading

Introducing: Bondage Breaker: the Sword

A while back we created a chain-breaking  commissioned proprietary art piece as branding for a ministry (Free Soul). Many have been blessed by the message behind the imagery, but because it’s proprietary, we’re able to share it for viewing but not sell it, which has brought some disappointment. I’d considered making another chain-breaking piece several times over the years, but never felt the nudge from Papa to do so. Continue reading

Introducing: Sun of Righteousness

This week’s release was one of our first Prophetic “Portraits” – it is called Sun of Righteousness,  and it is part of of “painted” series.  The original recipient shared, “…the silk and portrait spoke to what God and I have been dialoguing…I love that the name of the silk is Life Giver and that it’s Sun of Righteousness. He’s not disappointed in me!” I hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Entrusted Steward

This week’s release was inspired by a vision God gave me for my pastor. I was encouraging him, sharing an external view of how he conducts the flow of the spirit in his congregation, and God gave me this picture. It was so vivid I couldn’t help but want to create it! Thus was birthed Entrusted Steward.

As the word came forth, we realized it encompassed even more – touching on not just the stewarding of the flow within a body of believers, but also on a smaller scale within ourselves and on a bigger scale within the Body of Christ. I hope this art and its word bless and encourage you!

Read the full word for Entrusted Steward

Introducing: Yielded Vessel

This week’s release is one near and dear to my heart because it is based on the mission of Dyed4you Ministries. I’d been talking with our ministry team one week and Papa put it on my heart to have us pray through the mission He’s given us for the ministry, and as we prayed He started downloading an idea for a Dyed4you Art piece to pick up a similar theme to the graphic we’ve used to depict the structure He’s given us. The art piece is called Yielded Vessel and we hope the art and its word bless you!  You can also see the print proudly displayed on my wall as an ongoing reminder of the focus Papa has downloaded. 🙂 Continue reading

Introducing: Refuse to Be Moved

This week’s release is another Prophetic “Portrait” that we’re releasing. It is the newest in our Faith series and is called Refuse To Be Moved. It has a similar theme to it as a commissioned piece we did years ago called Immovable (here’s the testimony from that one: Commissioned Art Blessing). Similarly to the Zealous Abiders [multi-art set], this piece underwent slight changes from its Prophetic “Portrait” look before being released to our gallery. We love seeing how Papa uses each rendition of the art pieces and we pray that this art piece and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: The Beauty of Holiness (and derivative art pieces)

Excited to be introducing the next in our Inspirational series, which is called The Beauty of Holiness. This piece is also the first released of what we’re calling our derivative art pieces. These are pieces that come from one of our earlier pieces. The Beauty of Holiness is a derivative of a piece we never released called Holy Encounter (we shared a testimony from its recipient: Beautiful Confirmation). You can compare the two pieces side-by-side below. Continue reading

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