Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries
Excited to announce this week’s release, Rivers of Living Water, which also happens to be the newest addition to our Dyed4you Art flag line and as a flag it is called River of God. It was originally created as a Prophetic “Portrait” along with a coordinating Crinkle Silk (which she used as a streamer veil) – and the recipient was blessed by it (as well as the other items she received). This is her 5-star review from Etsy:
Continue readingExcited to introduce this week’s release: God of Compassion (El Rachum). This piece began as a stirring in my heart that was confirmed when one of our Dyed4you team members shared a prophetic download on tears (Journey of Destiny). As I began sharing the Prophetic Nuggets that went with this piece on the Author Meghan Williams facebook page, one of our long-time friends and part of the Dyed4you Community reached out to say how much they were ministering to her, and so I shared the in-progress version of God of Compassion (El Rachum). She told me immediately she wanted to get it, and wings of the silk that was in it, and she added Hebrew to the silks. Below she shares her testimony, and we hope you are blessed by it and the art and its word.
Continue readingBeautiful testimony from the recipient of an oversized tassel tallit called Your Name and several Dyed4you Art pieces (a printcard of Forever Bloom, mini printcard of Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors, and magnet of Emboldened by the Sustaining Source). Continue reading
This recipient received a surprise second portrait (which resulted in our first multi-art word). She had ordered a Prophetic “Portrait” with silk and upsized to a 16×20 as well as ordering a mismatched pair of wings (which ended up being the silks in the other piece). Needless to say, she was blessed and overwhelmed. Continue reading
I never tire of hearing how our art and silks touch people’s lives. This was a beautiful new testimony I received yesterday from someone who had gotten one of our gift sets from our Dyed4you Readymade Etsy store. Continue reading
This is a lovely glimpse into a sweet moment where one of our Dyed4you Community was giving honor to someone in her life by gifting her a Dyed4you Art gift set that included an 8×10 photographic print of Honored (which she had framed – it’s beautiful!), a beautiful Dyed4you Ministry Crinkle Silk called Whom Honor is Due, and she added an anointing oil called Accepted in the Beloved. Though the video captures the beginning of this moment (at one point you hear her reading a Prophetic Nugget called Giving and Receiving Honor), you can see how much she enjoys them, by the end once all the words connected to the gift had been read and the full weight of what Papa was saying to her had sunk in, she was sobbing. Completely wrecked in the most beautiful way. God is so beautiful in how He loves on His children! Continue reading
Thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our Angel series called Flaming Sword. This piece was originally created as a Prophetic Portrait that was given as a gift to Larisa of Dyed4you. She was overwhelmingly blessed by it. It was inspired by a joint vision Father gave as we were praying together. The word that came forth to go with the art both blessed her and brought confirmation – hopefully at some point she’ll share her longer testimony, but in the meantime her immediate response is shared below as well as the link to read the full word, which we pray will bless you too! Continue reading
The image we’re releasing today is actually the first of our Prophetic “Portraits” to be officially released, and we’re getting to release it with a testimony from its original recipient. 🙂 We love getting to hear testimonies on all our art but especially from our Prophetic “Portraits”! This one had the image size increased to an 11×14 and it arrived with a small silk added. It’s name is Make a Sound. It’s awesome how Papa God uses the same words to bless and minister to each of us differently. Here’s what the wife of the recipient passed along to us with the picture of how he’d displayed his gift. Continue reading
Since this was our first official Prophetic “Portrait”, it was exciting to get such beautiful feedback. She opted to upsize from the standard 8×10 to an 11×14 gift set with a large silk, and when she found out I was making flags to use in her art, she got those as well (video of them below). 🙂 Continue reading
Recently someone received a 16×20 of Night Revelation as a prophetic choice Dyed4you Art piece. As it happens, this recipient has been plagued by night terrors for several years – you can imagine how frustrating and tiring it would be to have your sleep (not to mention your peace) constantly being stolen from you. So when Father picked Night Revelation, which includes in its word a declaration that Father is redeeming the time spent in sleep, and it specificalling includes that He’s ending night terrors – well, the recipient was blown away and weeping at God’s goodness! Continue reading
This commemorative piece was created a couple of years ago. It was commissioned by someone for a couple who had just lost a child near the end of their pregnancy. The image include several personal elements including the baby’s actual footprints (upper left) and an image of the parents (lower center). The recipients were blessed by the gift. Below is the comments the wife shared online with the image: Continue reading
We receive beautiful feed back on the art so often, and I apologize I don’t do better of sharing some of those testimonies with you all! This is one we got recently when a woman selected a giftset with a large silk for her friend and had us add an extra small silk for her too. When we went to ship Abba nudged us to send a printcard along to go with her silk as well. Here’s the feedback she shared: Continue reading
Rarely do I post links to old stories on our Facebook page, but today when at the Father’s prompting I posted a link to another testimony about this art piece, He surfaced another story! It was a blessing to me and I’m sure may be to some of you 🙂 Continue reading
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