Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Category: Testimonial (Page 3 of 3)

Introducing: Honored

Excited to introduce our newest release: Honored. This piece was originally inspired as I sat in church watching an elder (I mean that literally, not as a title). I was pondering how beautiful it was that he was given such beautiful honor and respect from my pastor (as well as the congregation as a whole), often being given the platform to share thoughts – never being rushed – his wisdom always appreciated. I felt moved to create a piece of art both specifically to capture that feel as well as to be a specific blessing to him. And he was blessed! This piece has been gifted several times now since it’s creation and each time it’s been such a blessing. People have been moved, encouraged, humbled, and completely blown away. I pray the art and its word bless you too! Continue reading

Introducing: Flaming Sword

Thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our Angel series called Flaming Sword. This piece was originally created as a Prophetic Portrait that was given as a gift to Larisa of Dyed4you. She was overwhelmingly blessed by it. It was inspired by a joint vision Father gave as we were praying together. The word that came forth to go with the art both blessed her and brought confirmation – hopefully at some point she’ll share her longer testimony, but in the meantime her immediate response is shared below as well as the link to read the full word, which we pray will bless you too! Continue reading

Introducing: Place of Rest

placeofrestThis week’s release is called Place of Rest. This image was birthed during a prayer call (I have regular calls with one of the ministries intercessors and I create as we pray). It was neat to see it come forth because it’s a little different than other works I’ve created in that some things that thematically connect have been placed into the image like the lavender (which has a calming effect) and the feather (which typically stuffs a pillow). I had to smile at the connections He was drawing through them.  Continue reading

Introducing: Not Defeated

notdefeatedFun story around our newest release’s creation! Not Defeated was created one evening, and I confess I was a bit surprised because it’s what I think of as “man art” and typically that’s not my style – LOL – but I liked it and had a strong sense of the word. The next morning I documented the outline of the word and a little bit later someone called wanted to order art as a gift for a man and immediately I knew this piece had been created in advance for just this purpose! The word was given and was such an encouragement. Friends confirmed it was right on. God is so awesome 🙂 Continue reading

Introducing: Secret Place

SecretPlace_FBSo excited to introduce to you the newest Dyed4you Art image named Secret Place. Each piece I create effects me differently, and every once and a while I get to create one that just touches me deeply. This is one of those pieces.

I shared this image (but not the word that went with it) with a dear friend of mine who is on our Dyed4you Prophetic team and I was so blessed by what she shared back that I wanted to pass it along so you all could be blessed by it as well. Continue reading

Double Blessing

KingOfGlory_FBWe receive beautiful feed back on the art so often, and I apologize I don’t do better of sharing some of those testimonies with you all! This is one we got recently when a woman selected a giftset with a large silk for her friend and had us add an extra small silk for her too. When we went to ship Abba nudged us to send a printcard along to go with her silk as well. Here’s the feedback she shared: Continue reading

Prophetic Gifts

This came from someone who ordered a number of printcards from the gallery.

I recently purchased several printcards from your website. I want to let you know that I am part of the dance ministry at my church and I bought these printcards to give as Birthday gifts to the ladies on the team. The ladies that have received them have really been blessed. Your artwork is blessed. I heard about you via a link from PraiseMovesContinue reading

Birthday Request

This was a fun note I received after Dream Again was released:

SHE’S BEAUTIFUL – Oh Meghan – I LOVE HER. It is ministering to my heart so much – I have the picture up in front of me right now – as I look at it – she is sssssooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! You DON’T truly understand the power of God in you – I am broken – so broken right now! Thank you Meghan – thank you. I have requested this from my husband for my birthday – thank you Meghan!!!! – Judy

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