Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

How-to Order

We realize ordering from us for the first time can be a little confusing since what we do is unusual. Since understanding how to order is a typical FAQ (frequently asked question), we hope this will help to clarify!

  • First you visit our marketplace and select the product you want to order (e.g. printcard, photographic print, gift set). Please note: if you are outside the US, you will have to use our Order page and fill out the form (including indicating what you would like to order) 
  • When we receive your order we pray and ask the Lord what word He would like to give to you.  He will have us do one of the following:
    • Select one of our “released” images that you find in the gallery (note: if you purchase a “printcard” you will automatically receive one of the “released” images because those are the only ones that come in printcards)
    • Select one of our “unreleased” images (one that’s already been created and has a word, but the Lord hasn’t had us release it into the public gallery) – here’s an example testimony on an unreleased image
    • Create a new image and corresponding word that once complete will be added either to our “released” or “unreleased” set of images
  • Once we know what you’re to receive, we get the order completed and shipped off to you.
  • You receive your Dyed4you Art and hopefully share a testimony of how you were blessed by it AND/OR share a picture of where you have it displayed πŸ™‚


Your art will be on it’s way to you in 1-4 weeks (if it’s a new piece of art the Father is having us create, sometimes that takes a little time – so let us know if you have time constraints!).  When it arrives depends on where it’s shipping to.

Ordering a “Released” Image (from the Gallery)

If you want to order a specific image that is already released in the gallery, simply note the name of the piece as you check out on the marketplace or in your order form (if you’re an international customer)


  1. Kristen Smeltzer

    I want to order two more 5×7 print cards. One of “Stairway to Revelation” & one of “Stand Fast.” By the way, I exposed 9 women to your art this weekend and some may be contacting you for a 5×7 of what piece hit them.

    Thanks so much for the last two I received. I love them!

  2. Aspen Morrow

    I would like to see if I can get a commissioned art work for a book cover. Thank you and God Bless. The book will in the order of Frank Peretti and there would not be a huge rush on completing it.


    Aspen Morrow

  3. Rebecca Porreco

    I was just introduced to your website and the artwork is beautiful. I would love to order some things for me and my daughter, so could you please send me some ideas. I also have a line of greeting cards and would desire to use them on my cards. The business is called Magnificent Cards/Facebook. The idea came from a vision the Lord gave me many years ago. My logo on the back of each card says Magnificent Cards by Rebecca, indicating His Name is above every name. I also frame the greeting cards because the Holy Spirit said to me who will throw away a framed card. Anyway, please let me know if this is possible because I know very soon, the cards will take off. Each one has a beautiful message to keep us encouraged on this journey. Thanks much, Rebecca!

    • Dyed4you Art

      Happy to discuss options with you (and hear about what Papa is birthing through you) πŸ™‚ A printcard 10-pk may be a great place to start with Dyed4you Art!

  4. Timothy Johnson

    Blessings to you!! I am writing a wonderful book about the Holy Fire of God! I have a chapter called “A Fire On Mt. Zion” and at the end of the chapter I would like to put the picture of The Lion with the Crown with the caption “FOLLOW THE LION – UP TO MT. ZION” Could you please pray about it? I would be happy to purchase it and or give you credit on the inside cove of the book.

  5. Garth Cartwright

    This is a very beautiful gifting to have. Praise God for the imagery of his Spirit potraid through his seers. May the anointing oil of our father fall deeper on this precious ministry.

    • Dyed4you Art

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and blessing! I love what He’s called me to do πŸ™‚

      Blessings to you!

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