I never tire of hearing how our art and silks touch people’s lives. This was a beautiful new testimony I received yesterday from someone who had gotten one of our gift sets from our Dyed4you Readymade Etsy store. Continue reading
Tag: thanks
I often will include a Dyed4you Art card with a note when I ship an order (not always, but as the Lord leads). I always ask Him which card to include when I feel led to do it and typically the card is never mentioned again. I just do it because I feel like He’s told me to. 🙂 Testimonies like this make it so worthwhile! Continue reading
We receive beautiful feed back on the art so often, and I apologize I don’t do better of sharing some of those testimonies with you all! This is one we got recently when a woman selected a giftset with a large silk for her friend and had us add an extra small silk for her too. When we went to ship Abba nudged us to send a printcard along to go with her silk as well. Here’s the feedback she shared: Continue reading
Amanda received a Dream Again greeting card in the mail and the Lord used it as confirmation of what He’d been speaking. Continue reading
I received this note after Speak Tenderly was release:
When he comes to me in the desert times I can feel my heart beat so fast that I truly think that it’s going to jump from my chest. As he gets closer and I begin to feel his breath on my neck from his soft words, it makes every portion of my body stand on end.