The newest piece in the “Painted” series is Command the Storm. This image includes a Dyed4you silk called Faith for the Impossible, which embodies the heart behind this image – with its audio waves going forth as declarations are made speaking truth and God’s heart over seemingly startling situations. Nothing is too big for our God! We pray you’re blessed by this piece and its word. Continue reading
Author: Dyed4you Art (Page 14 of 24)
We had the pleasure of helping rebrand. We created a new logo for them as well as an image that captures the feel of their site (which was used as their Facebook page header), which was also sized to be their new website header and worked into their website’s background. We love their new look! Continue reading
So excited about this new piece called Floodgates of Heaven! Those of you who follow us on Facebook LOVED this image when we shared a preview. It was viewed over 15,000 times in a matter of 48 hrs because so many of you shared it with others (we had less than 2,500 followers when we first shared this so it was reshared a lot – THANK YOU!). Floodgates of Heaven is the newest piece in the Unbridled Passion series. We pray that you’re blessed by it! Continue reading
Introducing Clothed with Power from on High, which was the first image created in the Painted series (though La Vie en Rose was released before it). Love the vibrant colors and abstract nature of this image. It opens a whole new look for Dyed4you Art. We hope you like it because we sure do! And (of course), we hope you are blessed by this image and its word. Continue reading
Living Water was created base on a prophetic word one of you received. For those of you who aren’t following Dyed4you Art’s Facebook page, you’re missing out! Not only do we post new art pieces and let you guys contribute to the word, but we also periodically ask what images you’d like to see and then create them as we feel led. This was one of those pieces. It’s based off a word one of you received and essentially it expands that word by building on it – prophetic collaboration. I love how Father enjoys have us working together in unity! Additionally, the word was birthed with the help of the Dyed4you Art community. Beautiful! I hope you’re blessed by it. Continue reading
Introducing a new personal favorite (which I’m already displaying on my wall – see below) called Boldly Approach. This image includes a Dyed4you silk called Breaking Point that is one that particularly blessed me (in fact it’s my streamer that appears in the image). It is about an identity breakthrough – truly seeing yourself as God sees you, which beautifully aligns with Boldly Approach which is about being bold and fearless as you approach the throne of grace. I pray this image and its word are a blessing to you! Continue reading
Recently someone received a 16×20 of Night Revelation as a prophetic choice Dyed4you Art piece. As it happens, this recipient has been plagued by night terrors for several years – you can imagine how frustrating and tiring it would be to have your sleep (not to mention your peace) constantly being stolen from you. So when Father picked Night Revelation, which includes in its word a declaration that Father is redeeming the time spent in sleep, and it specificalling includes that He’s ending night terrors – well, the recipient was blown away and weeping at God’s goodness! Continue reading
Deep Calls Unto Deep is the next image in the Revelation (mysteries of God) series. The original image of the worshipper was taken by Moonshine Designs and Photography and is being used with their permission, which we are grateful for because we LOVE the image and love how it worked into the art we’ve created. We hope you will too! Continue reading
Excited to release the next image in the Faith series, Undiminished. This piece is for the weary in spirit who have been languishing in the Refiner’s fire feeling as though it will never end. This is encouragement to stand fast and count it all joy even in the midst of the trials… because He sees and He is with you. We pray this piece and its word bless you! Continue reading
Introducing our newest release: Potent Connection. Having been blessed with amazing, godly friendships, the meaning behind this piece is one near and dear to my heart. This image is all about those divine connections and the power they have in our lives. This is our “tribe,” the ones we can trust for godly counsel, who will speak truth and encouragement. What a blessing those friends are! I hope you are encouraged by this piece and reminded by it to pause and thank Father for the gift of these friendships. Continue reading
The newest piece in our Scripture Art series: Fire on the Altar. As always, our Scripture Art is available with or without the text on the image (but it comes on it by default).
The sense of solitude in this image really spoke to me. It brings to mind times of quite, perhaps even feeling alone, as our heart cries out to the Father and our spirit groans without words. I pray this image speaks to you too and that you’re blessed by it! Continue reading
I’m so excited about our new “Painted” series, that we’re doing a midweek release! The Painted series is still digitally created like all our work is, it just has the look of having been painted. Those who follow our Facebook page saw a sneak preview of another piece in this series this past weekend (did you know we post unreleased images on our Facebook page? And sometimes your comments get included in the final word for the art!). La Vie en Rose is a vibrant piece with a beautiful word that we hope you’ll be blessed by. 🙂 Continue reading
The newest image in our Warrior series is called Active Duty. Love the Lion of Judah watching from the left and angelic wing hovering on the right reminding us that when called to Active Duty, we are not thrown out there alone, but are backed by the heavenly hosts and the Lord of Hosts. We are not alone! Praying this new image and its word bless you 🙂 Continue reading
I’m in love with this piece, so I’m hoping you will love it too! Its name is Questing Gaze and it’s part of our Revelation series. Like the piece we released last week (War Horse), this image was inspired by a stock image and the rest of the picture and word grew from there. In this case, it was the image of the woman. It is rare for me to use an image of a person that is one I have taken myself (for a variety of reasons including the anointing spirit-filled people can sense from the individuals in images), but I loved her too much not to use it! I pray the image and word behind it bless you 🙂 Continue reading
My husband and I were blessed by James Nesbit’s War Horse image (back in 2006), so I’m excited to add a new facet to this idea (I love seeing various pieces of the prophetic and how Father weaves them together). So this is Dyed4you Art’s War Horse. It was inspired by the stock photo from the back of the horse and built from there. We pray it’s a blessing to you!