Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Rohi (Our Shepherd)

Rohi (Our Shepherd) represents the rest and complete trust we have when under the Good Shepherd’s care. We can enjoy our surroundings with joy and curiosity knowing we are in His care.

“O Shepherd of Israel who leads Israel like a flock; O God enthroned above the Guardian Angels, bend down your ear and listen as I plead. Display your power and radiant glory. Let Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh see you rouse yourself and use your mighty power to rescue us. Turn us again to yourself, O God. Look down on us in joy and love; only then shall we be saved.” Psalm 80:1-3 (TLB)

{hearing} The worship you have poured out to YHVH Rohi (the LORD our Shepherd) has not gone unnoticed. In fact, He hears, sees, and is very pleased. The fragrance of your praise has created a sweet aroma that has surrounded Him with your adoration. Your steps have been directed and ordered of the Lord, and though you have not always understood, you have been obedient. His love is coming to envelop you and bring you into your next step – your next pasture. Watch for Him and move in His timing and grace. Each step will bring you closer to His heart as you follow in the steps of David to learn the path of the shepherd, the worshiper, the warrior, and the king. Each step on His path will be ordered by Him.

A teaching on Jehovah-Rohi by relates to this piece: “As the shepherd was out with his flocks he was completely responsible for their EVERYTHING – good pasture, still water…care, discipline, and protection from every type of danger and wild animal attack. When David speaks of the Lord as his shepherd he is saying that he fully understands and calls upon the Lord to be his EVERYTHING. If the shepherd is a good one, the sheep are totally safe. Free from worry, they can graze from one tasty nibble to the next. They can rest and sleep without thought of being picked off. If they wander a bit too far from the flock, they can count on the shepherd’s staff to reign them back in. He is keeping watch continuously and he knows each of them by name…we each have a deep need in our heart to feel safe…The Lord knows what we long for because he created us and understands our nature better than we understand ourselves. Recognizing our deep need, he calls us to see him as the Good Shepherd, Jehovah-Rohi.”

The name of your silk is YHVH Rohi (The LORD my Shepherd). The colors in it are golden yellow representing counsel of God, royal blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7), white representing pure-hearted bride, and emerald green representing flourishing. Several years back the Lord brought forth this spontaneous song as the YHVH Rohi silk was originally being created, and {hearing} it again with this art. “Rohi (echo “Rohi”), you are my Shepherd. I am Your sheep, Lord. I know Your voice.”

 Thank You Father for real peace, like the peace a good shepherd imparts to the sheep. That peace is so real, and the trust and confidence so secure. We bask in that level of protection and covering from You, Lord. As children we rest and rely on You for all our needs and even the things we may not even realize we need, You see and provide often without us even seeing Your hand. Thank You Father!



  1. Cynthia

    I was just reading the blogs in Lana Wasser’s website and was astonished to see her cover photo with a bride as I saw a same vision and I have had many visions with no revelations …today when I saw this one with sheep , green pasture etc,,, I was touched by the word Rohi ,,, reading the content I was filled with the revelation ,, I thank God for leading me here,, I am touched by the Holy Spirit ,,, his works are wonderful…I can’t afford this art but I have a picture of what I saw relate to this one… but ia m so happy that I received my revelation on the vision I saw… its very close….praise God..thank you very much..for giving this opportunity to share my thoughts with you… May God reveals more from this website in Jesus name…God bless you..!!

    • Dyed4you Art

      I’m so glad to hear you are blessed by the art and that God has given you confirmations for it! That’s awesome. Our God is so amazing 🙂 Blessings to you and thank you for your encouragement.

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