Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: presence of God

Introducing: Secret Place

SecretPlace_FBSo excited to introduce to you the newest Dyed4you Art image named Secret Place. Each piece I create effects me differently, and every once and a while I get to create one that just touches me deeply. This is one of those pieces.

I shared this image (but not the word that went with it) with a dear friend of mine who is on our Dyed4you Prophetic team and I was so blessed by what she shared back that I wanted to pass it along so you all could be blessed by it as well. Continue reading

Silent Auction

A neat story about a fundraiser that Dyed4you Art and Dyed4you donated some items to – love how God moves even in moments like these 🙂

The young adults ministry Remnant at my church was having a silent auction the first weekend in August. We had it during our church’s annual BBQ & Rib Fest. The money raised was to help us continue outreach to our community, to college campuses here in Columbus, and to help with our website. I knew I wanted to ask Meghan to prayerfully consider a donation, and she was very gracious to do so! Now, admittedly, this silent auction was brought up last minute and left only a little under 2 weeks to “campaign” for donations. Continue reading

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