Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 8 of 15)

Introducing: Persistent Fruit

I realized as I went to set this up that about 5 of the last 8 images I released included the same person in them – this is my sweet friend Emily who is an anointed worship leader and beautiful woman of God. I’ve known her since she was 9 years old and photographed her (and her mother – who is a dear friend of mine too) numerous times and she has such a beautiful presence that she ends up in a lot of Dyed4you Art. 🙂 Hopefully you’re blessed by this newest piece called Persistent Fruit, which was originally created as a Prophetic “Portrait” and is now being released into the gallery because we believe this is a word for more of you as well. Continue reading

Book Covers & Introducing: Heart for Ayiti

These pieces were inspired from a conversation with my dear friend Gloria Board, author of the book series Learn Haitian Creole. I have had a heart for Haiti for years with a husband who has gone on several missions trips there as well as a close friend being from there – it really isn’t surprising. 🙂 Additionally, Dyed4you Ministries has a Ayiti (Mountainous Land) silk (used in the Heart for Ayiti art) that was inspired by the colors in the Haitian flag. We pray both the art, its word, and the silk are a blessing to you and encourage you to look at Gloria’s book if you are interested in learning Creole. We do have all our Haiti-inspired pieces available in our Dyed4you Readymade store ðŸ™‚ Continue reading

Longer Words & Introducing: Faithful and True

You may have noticed some of the words with our art pieces are getting longer (e.g. last week’s release). Initially, we planned to offer 8×10 versions of the word because we know you guys like framing the word too sometimes, but we’ve realized that still truncates the flow because we’re still limited on space. So we’re simply going to let the words be whatever they are, however long they are. No worries, a 5×7 portion of the word will continue to come with your art! We’ll just note at the bottom if there was more to the prophetic download than was included 😉 Since we post the full words in the gallery on our site, you always have access and are welcome to print them out.  Continue reading

Introducing: Drawing from the Source

Excited to officially release Drawing from the Source, an image that is one near and dear to my heart because it was created based off of a vision my pastor shared during one of the first weeks at my (then) new church home. (The silk is also one I own personally and love: Joy of the Anointing). This image hangs behind my pastor’s desk and is displayed in his wife’s office as well (see below). I pray the art and its word bless you too!  Continue reading

Quiet Tears (Introducing: Make a Sound)

The image we’re releasing today is actually the first of our Prophetic “Portraits” to be officially released, and we’re getting to release it with a testimony from its original recipient. 🙂 We love getting to hear testimonies on all our art but especially from our Prophetic “Portraits”! This one had the image size increased to an 11×14 and it arrived with a small silk added. It’s name is Make a Sound. It’s awesome how Papa God uses the same words to bless and minister to each of us differently. Here’s what the wife of the recipient passed along to us with the picture of how he’d displayed his gift. Continue reading

Introducing: The Guardians

The Guardians is the first Dyed4you Art piece that has an angel in more than simply abstract terms. Though still a silhouette, I wanted to capture something that aligns with the reaction people always have in scripture when they encounter an angel – you always here the angel say, “Do not be afraid.” My hope is that this piece will be a visual reminder that they are with us always. They’ve been assigned to protect and guard as well as minister and fight on our behalf. What a blessing are the hosts of heaven!  Continue reading

Introducing: Praising YHVH Ga’al (the Lord my Redeemer)

This piece (which I nicknamed “Sunset Praise”) is our newest release in our worship series Unbridled Passion. It is called Praising YHVH Ga’al (the Lord my Redeemer).  I confess I have a particular affinity for the pieces that include the names of God because I feel like each one reveals another nuance of His character / nature. I hope this new piece and its word does that for you!  Continue reading

Introducing: Watchman on the Wall

This week’s release is the newest addition to our Intercession series. It is called Watchman on the Wall. As an intercessor this series is near and dear to my heart and this piece in particular speaks to me. I love the visual reminder that our angelic reinforcements are right there – because they aren’t seen with natural eyes, we tend to forget that the Hosts of Heaven are with us fighting on our side! I pray you’re blessed by this piece and its word as well 🙂  Continue reading

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