Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Category: In Action (Page 3 of 7)

Introducing: Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors

It’s always interesting to me how Papa inspires the different art pieces He downloads to me, and this one was inspired by an empty frame. 😆 In my last post I shared about the Annorah piece I’d added to my prophetic art collection, and the first frame I got for it turned out to be the wrong size! I got a new one but was left with a lovely frame and nothing to put in it (an artist’s joy). Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors is the piece Papa downloaded when I asked Him to fill the frame. This is the second “Anointed for War” piece (Anointed for War: Knight Light was the first). They have different feels to them visually, but I love both and hope you do too! Oh and BTW I share a picture of the filled frame below 😊  Continue reading

Fire and Colour Dyed4you Art Feature: The Seeker’s Keys

Our friends at Fire and Colour featured another Dyed4you Art piece last week: The Seeker’s Keys by Meghan Williams The full word for our The Seeker’s Keys piece on its gallery page. This is the third piece of Dyed4you Art they’ve shared and I have enjoyed finding new artists as well. I recently bought Annorah by Candice van der Westhuizen (see below by my Heir of Promise) after she featured it because I fell in love with the flagger (imagine that right? LOL)! See it on my wall below as well as Larisa’s poster of The Seeker’s Keys. 🙂

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Introducing: No Other Gods

The newest addition to our Living Word series is a piece called No Other Gods that started as a derivative art piece based on one we created nearly a decade ago. When the revised piece was complete, we expanded the word, and then I sat with it for a while because something wasn’t settling. After a while I realized it’s because the whole piece needed to be redone, and when the new one was finished I adored it! I hope you will too – and we hope you’ll be blessed by its word as well. 🙂 Continue reading

Fire and Colour Dyed4you Art Feature: Mighty Warrior

Our friends at Fire and Colour are featuring another Dyed4you Art piece this week: Mighty Warrior by Meghan Williams. The full word for our Mighty Warrior piece can be found in its gallery page. They featured our Floodgates of Heaven piece back in June, and can I just say I have enjoyed not just all the amazing prophetic art they’ve been sharing on their blog, but the stunning layouts she creates to accent each art piece. She has an amazing eye and is a wonderful artist as well. I hope you’ll consider following her blog and being blessed by more of the work she shares 🙂

Introducing: Intertwined Strength

This week’s release, called Intertwined Strength, is another image that began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. And like last week’s release (Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)), this was a Prophetic “Portrait” set including a silk and pendant (pictures below). The recipient was very blessed and we nabbed a screen shot of her on livestream wearing her silk (below). We hope you’re blessed by the new piece and its word! We’ll be sharing more on this piece tomorrow on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page via livestream – 1pm central time, hope to see you there (FYI we’ll share it on our Dyed4you Ministries site after the fact if you can’t be there). Continue reading

Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)

Like our previous release (Introducing: Gibbor (Mighty One), A Hubby’s Gift), this piece, Tenacious Bloom, also originated as a Prophetic “Portrait.” The first was for the husband, and the second was a Prophetic “Portrait” set (with silk and pendant) for the wife. We included keychains for them as gifts. 🙂 She was just as blessed by her Prophetic “Portrait” as he’d been by his. Here’s what she shared with us: Continue reading

Introducing: Gibbor (Mighty One), A Hubby’s Gift

A with many of the recent releases, this week’s release Gibbor (Mighty One) began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. It was a gift purchased by a wife for her hubby as his birthday gift. Later when we shared the image on our Dyed4you Art FB page she shared, “This is the one you made for my husband. I gave it to him yesterday for his birthday. He loves it!” Next week you’ll get to see the one that went to her 🙂 In the meantime, we pray the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Yielded Vessel

This week’s release is one near and dear to my heart because it is based on the mission of Dyed4you Ministries. I’d been talking with our ministry team one week and Papa put it on my heart to have us pray through the mission He’s given us for the ministry, and as we prayed He started downloading an idea for a Dyed4you Art piece to pick up a similar theme to the graphic we’ve used to depict the structure He’s given us. The art piece is called Yielded Vessel and we hope the art and its word bless you!  You can also see the print proudly displayed on my wall as an ongoing reminder of the focus Papa has downloaded. 🙂 Continue reading

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