Emerald Light represents the ascension in the heavenly realms as Father bestows spiritual gifts; imparts healing, hope, and joy; and razes fear bringing peace and harmony.
“The one who builds stairs up to heaven and sets their foundation on the earth, the one who calls for the water in the sea and pours it over the face of the earth— His name is Yahweh.” Amos 9:6 (NOG)
“You were in Eden, the garden of God; your clothing was bejeweled with every precious stone—ruby, topaz, diamond, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, carbuncle, and emerald—all in beautiful settings of finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created.” Ezekiel 28:13 (TLB)
“All streams flow into the sea, but the sea is never full. The water goes back to the place where the streams began in order to start flowing again.” Ecclesiastes 1:7 (NOG)
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