Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

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Treasure Most Worthy

Treasure Most Worthy reminds us that a life poured out – a heart given freely – is a gift most worthy, a treasure to our God; and when we offer ourselves to Him unconditionally, He also pours His blessing – His treasure – back upon us, and it is a treasure most worthy of our sacrifice. 

  • Matthew 6:33 (TPT) So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.
  • Matthew 13:45-46 (VOICE) …the kingdom of heaven is like a jeweler on the lookout for the finest pearls. When he found a pearl more beautiful and valuable than any jewel he had ever seen, the jeweler sold all he had and bought that pearl, his pearl of great price.
  • Matthew 6:30 (MSG) If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving . People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

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Safeguarded Ascension

Safeguarded Ascension reminds us that as each member of the body aligns with their role (e.g., leaders as loving and fearless shepherds/stewards, intercessors as faithful prayer warriors), everyone can move together in safeguarded unity. No toehold is given to the enemy, for love and harmony reign. As one, the body ascends the hill of the Lord together. 

  • Psalm 24:3-6 (VOICE) Who can possibly ascend the mountain of the Eternal? Who can stand before Him in sacred spaces? Only those whose hands have been washed and hearts made pure, men and women who are not given to lies or deception. The Eternal will stand close to them with blessing and mercy at hand, and the God who redeems will right what has been wrong. These are the people who chase after Him; [like Jacob, they look for the face of God]. [pause]
  • Isaiah 26:3-4 (VOICE) You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You. So trust in the Eternal One forever, for He is like a great Rock— strong, stable, trustworthy, and lasting.
  • James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

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Beauty Breaking Through

Beauty Breaking Through (text) – Dyed4you Art

Beauty Breaking Through reminds us that regardless of our outer beauty (which can often take so much attention since it is clearly visible to all), our inner beauty is worth cultivating as much if not more – for that beauty radiates outward, transcends time, and speaks to the love, joy, and peace in our heart.

  • Isaiah 60:1 (VOICE) Arise, shine, for your light has broken through! The Eternal One’s brilliance has dawned upon you. See truly; look carefully—darkness blankets the earth; people all over are cloaked in darkness. But God will rise and shine on you; the Eternal’s bright glory will shine on you, a light for all to see.
  • Exodus 34:29 (VOICE) When Moses went back down Mount Sinai, he carried the two stone tablets in his hands as a witness to their agreement. But he did not realize that the skin on his face was glowing and radiant because he had been speaking with God.
  • Numbers 6:24-26 (AMP) The Lord bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; The Lord make His face shine upon you [with favor], And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval], And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].

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Grow in Peace

Grow in Peace – Dyed4you Art

Grow in Peace reminds us that as we choose to rest in the sovereignty of God, we are bathed in peace, for we know God is faithful. 

  • Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP)But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 
  • Galatians 5:22-25 (MSG) But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way.
  • John 14:27 (NKJV) Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

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Grow in Joy

Grow in Joy – Dyed4you Art

Grow in Joy reminds us that regardless of what is happening around us, joy is our birthright through the anointing of Christ that resides within us, so may we focus on and press into that joy and watch it blossom and expand.

  • Isaiah 10:27 (KJV) …the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
  • Philippians 3:14 (TPT) I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus.
  • Psalm 23:5 (KJV) Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
  • John 2:27 (NKJV) But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you…

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Watchman Warrior

Warrior Watchman – Dyed4you Art

Warrior Watchman reminds us to stay alert, to watch and listen, to refuse to be distracted, and to seek wisdom on what to do with what we see – including refusing to be silent when God calls upon us to speak. 

  • Ezekiel 33:7 (VOICE) Son of man, I have appointed you as a lookout for the nation of Israel. You must listen to what I have to say, then go and pass My warning on to your countrymen.

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Cool of the Evening

Cool of the Evening

Cool of the Evening issues a visual invitation to join the Lord for a walk—to enjoy fellowship and a stroll. 

  • Micah 6:8 (ISV) He has made it clear to you, mortal man, what is good and what the Lord is requiring from you— to act with justice, to treasure the Lord’s gracious love, and to walk humbly in the company of your God.
  • Genesis 3:8 (NLT) When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees.

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Humble Ascension

Humble Ascension – Dyed4you Art

Humble Ascension reminds us that as we faithfully yield to God, He moves through us mightily, and we are invited to ascend—to see more, experience more, be greater—all in Him. 

  • John 3:30 (ESV) He must become greater; I must become less.
  • Philippians 2: 5-8 (NASB) Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross.

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In His Marvelous Light

In His Marvelous Light
In His Marvelous Light – Dyed4you Art

In His Marvelous Light depicts the bride face-to-face with the Lion of Judah. The fire of His presence and His glory surrounds them. It reminds us that in that place, we can humbly “cast our crowns.” We can realize human striving is a fleshly endeavor and that worry and fear simply demonstrate our struggle to trust and rest in Him. And so in that place where His glorious presence surrounds, we can choose to fully release ourselves to Him and trust in the goodness of His name.

  • Deuteronomy 5:4 (NLT) At the mountain the LORD spoke to you face to face from the heart of the fire.
  • Numbers 6:24-26 (VOICE) The Eternal One bless and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Eternal lift up His countenance to look upon you and give you peace.
  • Esther 5:2-3 (ESV) And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight, and he held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter. And the king said to her, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom.”

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Be Still

Be Still – Dyed4you Art

Be Still reminds us to lay down our burdens and simply rest in God.

  • Psalm 46:10 (KJV) Be still, and know that I [am] God…
  • Luke 10:38-42 (NIV)As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
  • John 14:6 (TPT) Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too.
  • John 15:4 (TPT) So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine.

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Invitation to Love

Invitation to Love (text version)

Invitation to Love visually invites you to step through to a place of complete acceptance and love of yourself, to fully bring yourself into alignment with God’s heart for you and make that heart your own.

  • Mark 12:30-31 (TPT) [emphasis mine] You are to love the Lord Yahweh, your God, with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you, and with all your strength. This is the great and supreme commandment. And the second is this: ‘You must love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.”
  • Matthew 22:37-39 (TLB) [emphasis mine] Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar: ‘Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.’

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Glorious Restoration

Glorious Restoration – Dyed4you Art

Glorious Restoration reminds us that God is the restorer of our souls. He brings forth life from death and beauty from ashes. We cannot fathom all He is able to do in and through us. We have but to yield, then watch as He moves.

  • Psalm 23:2-3 (VOICE) He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside streams of refreshing water. He soothes my fears; He makes me whole again…
  • Isaiah 61:1-3 (TPT) The mighty Spirit of Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted, to tell captives, “You are free,” and to tell prisoners, “Be free from your darkness.” I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace and a time of God’s recompense on his enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness. Because of this, they will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory.
  • Amos 9:11-15 (VOICE) After that happens, on the day I choose, I will rebuild the dilapidating house of David from its ruins, Mend the holes in it, rebuild its wreckage, and restore it just the way it used to be. Then they may possess what remains of Edom, including every person among the outsiders who have been called by My name.

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Illuminating Light

Illuminating Light – Dyed4you Art

Illuminating Light reminds us our call as a believer is to reflect His light – to shine forth in His glory and love so that others may see Him and know He is God.

  • Matthew 5:14-16 (VOICE) And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it .
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:5 (NLT) For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. 

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Throne Room Glory

Throne Room Glory – Dyed4you Art

Throne Room Glory reminds us we are welcomed into His throne room, and we can find true peace and a deep abiding understanding of who we’ve been created to be there in His presence.

  • Revelation 4:10-11 (AMP) the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.”
  • 1 Peter 2:5 (TPT) Come and be his “living stones” who are continually being assembled into a sanctuary for God. For now you serve as holy priests, offering up spiritual sacrifices that he readily accepts through Jesus Christ. 
  • Matthew 18:20 (TPT) For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!”

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Anointed for War: Armed and Ready

Anointed for War: Armed and Ready - Dyed4you Art

Anointed for War: Armed and Ready reminds us that whether we see it or not, and whether we feel it or not, God has equipped us for whatever fight is before us. 

  • 2 Corinthians 10:4 (VOICE)The weapons of the war we’re fighting are not of this world but are powered by God and effective at tearing down the strongholds erected against His truth.
  • Ephesians 6:11-18 (VOICE) [including commentary from the Voice Translation in quotes] Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil and his evil schemes. We’re not waging war against enemies of flesh and blood alone. No, this fight is against tyrants, against authorities, against supernatural powers and demon princes that slither in the darkness of this world, and against wicked spiritual armies that lurk about in heavenly places. And this is why you need to be head-to-toe in the full armor of God: so you can resist during these evil days and be fully prepared to hold your ground. Yes, stand—truth banded around your waist, righteousness as your chest plate, and feet protected in preparation to proclaim the good news of peace. Don’t forget to raise the shield of faith above all else, so you will be able to extinguish flaming spears hurled at you from the wicked one. Take also the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. “Paul knows that the real battles and dangers we face are not against flesh and blood. The enemies we see are real enough, but they are animated by spiritual forces of darkness that stay strategically hidden from view. These powers often reveal themselves in institutional evils—genocide, terror, tyranny, and oppression—but the weapons needed to combat them are not earthly weapons at all. What is needed, Paul advises, is to stand firm in God’s power and to suit up in the full armor of God. Although the devil and his demon armies are destined for destruction, they are serious threats now and must be resisted and beaten back. For Paul, the best offensive weapons we have are the word of God and prayer.” Pray always. Pray in the Spirit. Pray about everything in every way you know how! And keeping all this in mind, pray on behalf of God’s people. Keep on praying feverishly, and be on the lookout until evil has been stayed.

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One Body (Unity in Christ)

One Body - Dyed4you Art

One Body reminds that we are one body in Christ, and as we seek to align with Him – each being mindful to walk out our unique callings in love and humility, and embracing all our diverse experiences and backgrounds – we will find that we can unite in harmony at the Cross under His banner of love.

  • 1 Peter 3:8-9 (TPT) Now, this is the goal: to live in harmony with one another and demonstrate affectionate love, sympathy, and kindness toward other believers. Let humility describe who you are as you dearly love one another. Never retaliate when someone treats you wrongly, nor insult those who insult you, but instead, respond by speaking a blessing over them—because a blessing is what God promised to give you.
  • Ephesians 4:3-4 (VOICE) Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were all called to pursue one hope.
  • 1 Corinthians 12:25,27 (TPT) He has done this intentionally so that every member would look after the others with mutual concern, and so that there will be no division in the body. You are the body of the Anointed One, and each of you is a unique and vital part of it.

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King of All the Earth

King of All the Earth reminds us the King of Glory reigns over all – from great to small, from country to city, from nation to nation, and from heaven to earth – He reigns.

  • Psalms 65:8 (TPT) O God, to the farthest corners of the planet people will stand in awe, startled and stunned by your signs and wonders. Sunrise brilliance and sunset beauty both take turns singing their songs of joy to you. 
  • Psalms 96:4 (TPT) For the Lord’s greatness is beyond description and he deserves all the praise that comes to him. He is our King-God and it’s right to be in holy awe of him.
  • Psalm 47:6-8 (VOICE) Sing! Shout! Play instruments! Praise our God and King; sing praises to Him who is worthy. For He is the King of all the earth. Sing praise, all who can. Put words to music, and then sing praises At the feet of the God who sits on His holy throne, ruling over all the nations.
  • Revelation 5:5 (VOICE) Then one of the elders consoled me. One of the 24 Elders: Stop weeping. Look there—the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. He has conquered and is able to break its seven seals and open the scroll.
  • Psalm 47:7-8 (TPT) For God is the triumphant King; the powers of earth are all his. So sing your celebration songs of highest praise to the glorious Enlightened One! Our God reigns over every nation. He reigns on his holy throne over all

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Forever Bloom

Forever Bloom reminds us to be “Son-flowers,” and to rejoice in the reign of our King. 

  • Isaiah 61:1-3 (VOICE) The Spirit of the Lord, the Eternal, is on me. The Lord has appointed me for a special purpose. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to repair broken hearts, And to declare to those who are held captive and bound in prison, “Be free from your imprisonment !” He has sent me to announce the year of jubilee, the season of the Eternal’s favor: for our enemies it will be a day of God’s wrath; For those who mourn it will be a time of comfort. As for those who grieve over Zion, God has sent me to give them a beautiful crown in exchange for ashes, To anoint them with gladness instead of sorrow, to wrap them in victory, joy, and praise instead of depression and sadness. People will call them magnificent, like great towering trees standing for what is right. They stand to the glory of the Eternal who planted them.
  • Luke 1:33 (NKJV) “And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”
  • Revelation 22:5 (VOICE) Darkness will never again fall on this city. They will not require the light of a lamp or of the sun because the Lord God will be their illumination. By His light, they will reign throughout the ages.

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Quest for Wisdom

Quest for Wisdom represents our journey pursuing the wisdom of God, and the joy, promise, and adventure it brings.

  • Proverbs 3:5-7 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong.
  • Proverbs 1:6-7 (TPT) These kingdom revelations will break open your understanding to unveil the deeper meaning of parables, poetic riddles, and epigrams, and to unravel the words and enigmas of the wise. How then does a man gain the essence of wisdom? We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge.
  • Proverbs 3:13-18 (VOICE) How fortunate are those who discover Lady Wisdom and those who understand her ways! For her worth is greater than the most expensive prize you could win. Her profit is greater than the finest thing you could buy. No gem is more precious than she is— your most extravagant desire doesn’t come close to her. She holds the secret of a long life in one hand and riches and fame in her other hand. Her ways are pleasant; all of her pathways are peaceful. She is like a tree that produces a satisfied life for anyone who can wrap their arms around her; happiness waits for any who hold her tightly.

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Emboldened by the Sustaining Source

Emboldened by the Sustaining Source reminds us to focus on our relationship with the Father. The time spent with Him, and intimacy in our relationship with Him, is transforming – causing us to boldly reflect His heart to the world.

  • Proverbs 28:1 (TPT) Guilty criminals experience paranoia even though no one threatens them. But the innocent lovers of God, because of righteousness, will have the boldness of a young, ferocious lion!
  • Acts 4:31 (AMP) And when they had prayed, the place where they were meeting together was shaken [a sign of God’s presence]; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness and courage.
  • Philippians 4:13 (AMP) I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]

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Seek the Light

Seek the Light – Dyed4you Art

Seek the Light reminds to keep our eyes on the Light no matter how much the darkness presses in around us. God is with us and He covers us in the shadow of His wings.

  • Isaiah 53:4-5 (VOICE) Yet it was our suffering he carried, our pain and distress, our sick-to-the-soul-ness. We just figured that God had rejected him, that God was the reason he hurt so badly. But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.
  • Psalm 30:10-11 (VOICE) Hear me, Eternal Lord—please help me, Eternal One—be merciful!” You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.
  • Psalm 18:4-6, 9-11, 16-19 (VOICE) The bonds of death encircled me; the currents of destruction tugged at me; The sorrows of the grave wrap around me; the traps of death lay in wait for me. In my time of need, I called to the Eternal; I begged my True God for help. He heard my voice echo up to His temple, and my cry came to His ears. He bent the heavens and descended; inky darkness was beneath His feet. He rode upon a heavenly creature, flying; He was carried quickly on the wings of the wind. He took darkness as His hiding place— both the dark waters of the seas and the dark clouds of the sky. He reached down His hand from above me; He held me. He lifted me from the raging waters. He rescued me from my strongest enemy, from all those who sought my death, for they were too strong. They came for me in the day of my destruction, but the Eternal was the support of my life. He set me down in a safe place; He saved me to His delight; He took joy in me.

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