Soaking in the Waters of Life represents an invitation for refreshing and revitalization. The all-sufficient One, El Shaddai, awaits – hand extended in invitation, “Come to the waters, beloved.”
- John 5:2, 4 (TPT) Inside the city near the Sheep Gate there is a pool called in Aramaic, The House of Loving Kindness… an angel of God would periodically descend into the pool to stir the waters, and the first one who stepped into the pool after the waters swirled would instantly be healed.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Pools of Refreshing.”
John 5:2, 4 (TPT) Inside the city near the Sheep Gate there is a pool called in Aramaic, The House of Loving Kindness… an angel of God would periodically descend into the pool to stir the waters, and the first one who stepped into the pool after the waters swirled would instantly be healed.
Beloved, step into the pools of refreshing and find healing and rest for your soul. It is vital to stay soft and supple, for if you become dry and brittle it is far easier for you to be damaged or break. Make the time to pause. Rest and refreshing is not “doing nothing,” it is allowing you the time and space you need to stay healthy, alive, and vital.
Resist the urge to strive or “power through.” You are important enough to pause for, precious enough to tend to, and loved enough to be taken care of. So love yourself, even if at first you only do it because I love you. You are worth it.
Matthew 9:17 (TPT) And who would pour fresh, new wine into an old wineskin? Eventually the wine will ferment and make the wineskin burst, losing everything—the wine is spilled and the wineskin ruined. Instead, new wine is always poured into a new wineskin so that both are preserved.”
A prophetic download from Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed is connected to this.
{hearing} This is your destination for this season. Papa has already made the arrangements, you just need to show up. Everything is perfectly arranged and waiting for you. Accommodations have been arranged. So beautiful. Truly refreshing!
{seeing} Fine white linen sheets on a bed and hearing, “Rest.”
{sensing} An expansive space – a mansion with many rooms – accommodations have been made and beds are made in white linen – each made individually to fit every persons need. Then they gather – the table has been set also in fine linen. “Come and receive. Come and drink. Living waters that will quench and refresh your spirit.”
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Sufficiency of God.”
The names of God are beautiful tools for gaining deeper understanding into the character of our God. El Shaddai is a commonly used name of God and it is often translated as “God Almighty,” which is obviously beautiful encouragement to remember how big and strong the One we worship is. However there’s another translation possibility: “All-Sufficient One.”
The idea of the All-Sufficient One actually comes from the root connection to the Hebrew word for breasts (shadaim), and as we think of a mother nurturing and feeding her child, we think of sufficiency and nourishment. Some even believe El Shaddai literally means “the many breasted one,” which again reinforces that idea of abundant sustenance and provision.
This isn’t about assigning gender to God, for God transcends gender (I use He/Him as I write simply because historically those have been used similarly to how the word “man” can both refer to a male or a human). We are created in God’s likeness so all our attributes come from Him. He embodies both the masculine and the feminine – the full spectrum. Complete sufficiency. All that we need.
As such, God embodies the nurturing, fierce love that we think of as being a mother’s heart. A mother nurtures in the womb, then at her breast, and on as her children grow. God’s heart is the same nurturing, sustaining flow. He desires to see His children revitalized, renewed and pursuing the passion and purpose. He wants to protect and heal hearts, and He wants to birth and bring forth the things He has planted in each one of His children.
And to make this even more personal, let me say: His desire is for YOU. He wants to nurture you. You are His delight and He wants all there is for you. He wants to lavish new things on you. He wants to comfort you at His breast and transform you into your highest self. He sees you as He made you: fulfilling all your potential and expanding and blooming under His watchful care. Embrace and receive the all-sufficient flow of El Shaddai.
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “The Water, the Womb (The Hebrew Letter “Mem”).”
The Hebrew letter “mem” stands for “mayim” which is the “waters.” The shape of the “mem” represents an open or closed womb (depending on which form of the letter mem it is). As I was pondering the Dyed4you Art image Soaking in the Waters of Life, God brought to mind the letter “mem” and its womb representation. I could see the parallel with the art piece and how the place it depicted was rich, verdant, life-giving space creating a womb of sorts. Being held and nurtured by the waters of life. Allowing this living water to saturate every area of our being as we rest in this hidden space.
Life is found in the hidden place of growth, but often that life comes through the trials of adversity. Just as the culmination of the gestation period is the process of birth, so there are often times of pressing and challenge that bring you to the new open place of possibility.
Trust the process – from the solitude and nurturing of the quiet place of growth to the pressure and discomfort of the coming forth into the new, all is a natural cycle. Embrace it and trust that it is for your good – even in the moments it is challenging, trust that you are being catapulted into new levels as you are birthed into the new. You have all you need for this moment, for the all-sufficient One is meeting every need and sustains you every step of the way.
Father, may we be diligent to heed Your encouragement to make time for healing rest and refreshing. We thank You that you love us so much that You refuse to stand idly by as we use ourselves up, but rather You loving encourage us to love ourselves as You love us. May we learn to see ourselves through Your eyes. Amen.
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