Healing Rain reminds us that life breaks forth as we are touched by God’s healing rain, which we find as we are saturated by His love as we rest in His presence.
- Hosea 10:12 (RSV) Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and rain salvation upon you.
A portion of the word from the original Dyed4you Art image named “Healing Rain” is connected to this.
The Lord says, “It is with great JOY that I see my word breaking forth in your life. The seeds you have planted, I have watered by My Spirit and now they break through. And though it may seem small to some, know that I am pleased with you. My joy abounds in you and in what has come forth. So rejoice and again I say rejoice! Know that my covenant of blessing is over your life. My healing rain will continue to flow in your time of rejoicing. You will be brought to a place of wholeness, complete in Me and My love for you.”
Father, we choose to cling to that which is GOOD. We refuse to let anything be taken away or discounted. We thank You for Your great love and pleasure over us, and we thank You for healing (mental, emotional, physical, relational, financial), for mental clarity and the ability to focus! We thank You that You provide life in abundance – healing, wholeness, provision, and peace. We thank You for hope. You are an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). We rest in You.
{sensing} God is anointing this piece with refreshing and restoration (and through it, its recipients and those ministered to by it) – with His healing waters and healing rain. Feel the thick saturation flowing over you as the anointing transfers. He so desires for His people to flourish and prosper. So say yes. Open your heart and receive. Receive His refreshing, healing waters – His healing rain – receive His invitation to ascend and go higher. Flourish! And rejoice that His hand might be so evident in your life and reflected in your countenance that everyone around you will ask where your hope comes from. As 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” Amen. Be glorified Lord.
A Word called “I AM Life” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
John 1:4-5 (VOICE) His breath filled all things with a living, breathing light— A light that thrives in the depths of darkness, blazes through murky bottoms. It cannot and will not be quenched.
Beloved, in Me you have eternal life—now and always. You do not have to wait another moment to grab hold of what I have for you. For the work of redemption was completed on the cross, and the way to Life was fully restored. If your life is in ruins, I will rebuild it. If your health is failing, I will restore it. If your mind is in disarray, I will make it whole with My peace. And if your heart is parched from unmet needs, I will pour out My love until you are saturated and satiated. You do not need to do anything but receive what I have already purchased for you.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes and for the errors you may make daily. Forgive those who have torn you down and stolen life from you. I AM your Kinsman Redeemer, and by My shed blood all is forgiven. The ruins of your life now belong to Me. Caring for you is My greatest concern. Run to Me, and let Me cloth you with My Life and My Light.
I made you that you might have abundant and eternal life in Me. And with great zeal I will carry out My promises and purposes for you. My Word is alive and active. My angels stand at the ready to usher My healing into your life. Will you be open to receive what I have for you, precious? Will you receive all My blessings? Open your hands and your heart to My life-giving flow. I will restore and revive you with My love.
Amos 9:11 (VOICE) After that happens, on the day I choose, I will rebuild the dilapidating house of David from its ruins, Mend the holes in it, rebuild its wreckage, and restore it just the way it used to be.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “YHVH Rapha (the Lord your Healer).”
Psalm 23:2 (VOICE) He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside streams of refreshing water…
Beloved, allow My healing waters to rush over you. I AM YHVH Rapha – the Lord your healer, and I pour out My love over you to bring healing and refreshing. Rest in My love and be restored.
Just as dried, cracked clay is given new life when water rejuvenates it, so beloved, are you fundamentally transformed by My healing flow. So receive. You don’t have to earn it, or convince Me of your worth, for it is yours. Simply rest in My presence and receive.
Psalm 23:1-6 (VOICE) The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always. He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside streams of refreshing water. He soothes my fears; He makes me whole again, steering me off worn, hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name. Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness, I am not overcome by fear. Because You are with me in those dark moments, near with Your protection and guidance, I am comforted. You spread out a table before me, provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies; You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil, filling my cup again and again with Your grace. Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me where I go, always, everywhere. I will always be with the Eternal, in Your house forever.
A Word called “Healing Oil” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Luke 8:43-48 (TPT) In the crowd that day was a woman who had suffered greatly for twelve years from slow bleeding. Even though she had spent all that she had on healers, she was still suffering. Pressing in through the crowd, she came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel of his prayer shawl. Instantly her bleeding stopped and she was healed.
You have grasped at the hem of My garment, and now flows forth the healing oil of YHVH Rapha. What was once broken in you is now healed. Arise and go forth, Beloved. Fly with might, armed for battle with the new wings I have given you. Indeed, your rebirth has come through many trials and tribulations. You are now a new creation, made in My image and likeness. Therefore, walk boldly in the power of My Spirit and in My authority. I send you into the world to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.
In this fresh flow and impartation of My Spirit, a new song will flow from your lips. This song will glorifying Me and prepare the way for Me in the earth. My heart—the heart of your Bridegroom—is at the center of everything that you do. You will speak with wisdom, tender love, authority, and encouragement to those who ache for the hope of new life. The healing oil of My Spirit will drip from your lips, and it will fall upon and mend the wounds of every heart that you encounter.
My Bride, you are loved. You are treasured. You are healed. Most of all, you are empowered through Me. As I continue to renew you day by day, give unto others as it has been given unto you. Just as I impart My Spirit and My healing to you, you are commissioned to do the same for others. Now, go forth, clothed in My might and My love, and filled to overflowing with My Spirit!
Mark 16:17-18 (VOICE) And these signs will follow those who believe: they will be able to cast out demons in My name, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink poison without being harmed, and lay their hands on the sick to heal them.
1 Corinthians 12:7-9 (VOICE) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. The Spirit gives one person a word of wisdom, but to the next person the same Spirit gives a word of knowledge. Another will receive the gift of faith by the same Spirit, and still another gifts of healing—all from the one Spirit.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Receive the Power of My Touch.”
Luke 8:46 (TPT) Jesus replied, “Yes, but I felt power surge through me. Someone touched me to be healed, and they received their healing.”
Beloved, don’t be afraid to reach out and grab hold of My healing flow. I AM YHVH Rapha, the Lord your Healer. Touch Me and receive your healing – whether it be in body, mind, or spirit, I have healing here for you.
Receive the power of My touch. Remember that to touch Me you must be in My presence. So stay close, beloved, and be healed by the power of My presence and My touch.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “The River of God.”
Ezekiel 47:8-9 (VOICE) The Man: This river flows eastward and runs down into the Jordan Valley to the place where it flows into the Dead Sea. The moment it meets the sea, the salty water becomes fresh. Swarms of creatures will flourish wherever this river flows. Schools of fish will swim through currents of fresh water, for wherever this water flows everything will come alive!
Beloved, the river of God brings healing to whatever it touches. So stay in the river. Remain in My healing flow. For I AM YHVH Rapha – the Lord your healer, so look to Me to heal and to restore that you in turn may share My refreshing flow with others.
Come alive! Just as Lazarus was called forth from the grave, so I have called you from the death and bondage of sin into My glorious, life-giving light. Be embraced by My love, saturated by My Spirit, and be made whole.
A Word called “Let It Rain” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Beloved, I call you this day to a new place of awareness. I have touched your lips and called you to speak for Me. Like a wire that is brought to life when it is charged with electricity, so My anointing elevates your speech out of the mundane and gives power to the words that fall from your lips.
Just as I spoke creation into being at the beginning, still I continue to speak and keep existence in motion. I have called you this day that you might make My voice known to those who have trouble hearing it. I desire to speak life through you to My beloved body. I hear the cries of My people and have much that I would say to them. Will you be My voice? Will you let Me flow through you in power?
Remember, each heart that you minister to is like a dry land that is crying out for rain. Therefore, let it rain, beloved. Let the floodgates open. Hold nothing back, and let revelation fall from your lips as rain falls from the heavens. For as your words distill, so my Spirit will certainly move in power and cause new life to appear.
1 Samuel 3:19 (NKJV) So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.
Deuteronomy 32:2 (NKJV) Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass.
Jeremiah 1:9-10 (VOICE) Then the Eternal reached out and touched my mouth, and He gave me His divine message. Eternal One: Look, I have placed My words in you. You will know what to say now, for you will be My voice. This very day I appointed you to speak with My authority over nations and kingdoms. Your word — My word — will have the power to uproot and stamp out; it will destroy and upend. And then your word—My word— will rebuild and plant anew.
A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “I Make the Desert Bloom.”
Hosea 10:12 (RSV) Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and rain salvation upon you.
Beloved, be intentional to sow life and righteousness which brings life. For I AM faithful to pour out My rain in season bringing breakthrough as the seemingly dead and dry places suddenly spring forth with life and flourish.
Rest in My presence and wait on Me. Reap the fruit of steadfast love. Trust Me to move in My perfect timing, and trust My hand to be evident. For nothing is impossible with Me. I make the desert bloom. So dwell with Me under the rain of My love, and watch yourself blossom too.
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Healing Flow. The colors in it are turquoise representing healing, royal blue representing the truth of God’s Word, and emerald green representing restoration.
Father, thank You for Your healing rain and the power of Your presence. May we rest with You and see abundant fruit come forth. We thank You for healing us where healing is needed, and restoring us in areas we’ve been wounded. We thank You for being faithful, and for the abundant mercy You have for Your children. To You be all the glory.

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