Illuminating Light reminds us our call as a believer is to reflect His light – to shine forth in His glory and love so that others may see Him and know He is God.
- Matthew 5:14-16 (VOICE) And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it .
- 1 Thessalonians 5:5 (NLT) For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night.
Merriam-Webster defines “luminary” as “a person of prominence or brilliant achievement; and a body that gives light.” And Merriam-Webster defines to “emanate” as “ to come out from a source”. Some of the synonyms listed are “throw out, radiate, emit, release, and cast.”
As God’s children, we are called to be emanators of light. We are reflectors of His brilliance. We are made in His image so we are to radiate and reflect His glory. As we do, we cast a warm glow on those in darkness and beckon them to His healing light as well as lighting the way for those lost in the darkness by making the path clear to Him.
This is our call. Our mandate. We must choose to live in a way that intentionally emanates the most light – God’s light. We are His luminaries. This light begins in us. By God shining brightly in our hearts and changing us from the inside out. Francis of Assisi shares this in a prayer he prayed, “Great and glorious God, and Thou Lord Jesus, I pray you shed abroad your light in the darkness of my mind. Be found of me, Lord, so that in all things I may act only in accordance with Thy holy will.” (Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/francis_of_assisi_753006.) So be intentional to allow His light in you to remove any residue of darkness so that the light you pour forth to the world might be vibrant, pure and true.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Shine Forth Divine Love.”
Romans 5:5 (KJV) And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Beloved, just as My love is shed abroad in your heart, so share it with the world. Let your love shine – radiating warmth to all those you see. And may your love, which is a reflection of My love, give hope.
For hope brings peace, and with it comes joy. And in that place of contentment comes a knowledge of Me. So be a luminary, beloved, and shine forth the divine love that heals and changes lives.
A Word called “You are Light” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Beloved, you are a luminary. I made you to be My light in the earth, a vessel arrayed in all My glory. Just as I set the stars in the sky to shine as guiding lights to the earth, so I have called you.
As you stand bathed in My glory, whom shall you fear, beloved? The darkness has no power, for I have equipped you to expel it. Even now, the roar of My authority is awakening within you. Resist the urge to fear this new level of anointing or how walking in it will transform your life. Yes, to arise as My luminary means that others will look to you. This weight of My glory and My call on your life can seem daunting. Yet I raise you up to be an influence for good. I set this portion of My Kingdom upon your shoulders that others may look to you and see Me reflected in every aspect of your life.
Remember that the weight of the entire world does not rest upon your shoulders. I do not call you to be the source of the Light—for I Am the true Source—I call you simply to reflect Me. Therefore, arise and shine boldly, beloved. Let My radiance break through your inner man. Stand up and step forward as a bold representative of My Kingdom, a vessel of My love made manifest.
Genesis 1:14-15 (AMPC) And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs and tokens [of God’s provident care], and [to mark] seasons, days, and years, And let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light upon the earth. And it was so.
Isaiah 60:1-3 (VOICE) Arise, shine, for your light has broken through! The Eternal One’s brilliance has dawned upon you. See truly; look carefully—darkness blankets the earth; people all over are cloaked in darkness. But God will rise and shine on you; the Eternal’s bright glory will shine on you, a light for all to see. Nations north and south, peoples east and west, will be drawn to your light, will find purpose and direction by your light. In the radiance of your rising, you will enlighten the leaders of nations.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Embrace the Light.”
1 Thessalonians 5:5 (VOICE) For you are all children of light. You are sons and daughters of the day. We are not created of night, nor are we owned by darkness.
Beloved, I AM the light and I live within you. Where there is light, no darkness can remain. Nor can light disguise itself as darkness, nor should it want to. So shine brightly, beloved. Be an emissary of light – vibrant and alive – and unafraid of changing the landscape around you.
There is nothing to fear from light. As you walk in truth, you know it only brings life. So even when things brought to light feel ugly or broken, simply know that the light has not caused it to be that way, but rather the light has refused to allow it to remain hidden.
For like lancing a wound, sometimes that which is wrong must be completely exposed to begin to bring it to rights. So embrace the truth and the light that brings it. Be not afraid of human reactions, but rather know I AM pleased as you walk as a reflection of Me.
A Word called “Arise and Build” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Beloved, I know that there are moments when you feel intimidated by the call on your life or measure of the gifts I have given you. When fear tempts you to hold back what I have placed inside you, remember My purpose for raising you up. I lift you up that others may be drawn to the Light of My Spirit within you.
I have imparted My Spirit, the gifts, and the offices for the building up of the Body. When each member embraces their role and does their part, it opens the door for My will to be made manifest in the earth. From this perspective, not one of you is insignificant or useless. In fact, each of you is a vital part of My Kingdom plan.
I stir you up now to arise and not hold back what I have placed inside you. Let your light shine and let your testimony be heard. Watch as I draw those to you who need the same healing, comfort, and truth that I have given to you. Build them up as I have built you up. Raise them up as I am now raising you up. Arise, and build up the Body.
Ephesians 4:11-12 (VOICE) It was the risen One who handed down to us such gifted leaders—some emissaries,[c] some prophets, some evangelists, as well as some pastor-teachers— so that God’s people would be thoroughly equipped to minister and build up the body of the Anointed One.
1 Corinthians 14:12 (VOICE) It’s the same with you; in your passion for spiritual gifts, seek to strengthen the community of believers, and you will all be better off.
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Choose to Be a Luminary.”
Matthew 5:16 (TPT) So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.”
Having spent nearly a decade and a half in ministry, one of the travesties I’ve seen over and over is people believing they are less than they are. When I look at them, I see a lion, but when they look in the mirror they believe they’re seeing just a kitten – powerless and ineffectual. I’m not sure why we all seem to have an inclination to believe the worst of ourselves and the the truth is hard to receive, but it seems to be the case.
And yet in truth though we may believe the worst, on some level we HOPE that we are wrong. We HOPE that we truly are powerful and able to make a difference. What we fear is failing in that capacity. So we unconsciously come into agreement with the lies we’ve been told about ourselves (or had reflected to us), and decide to live smaller than our call. Thinking somehow this is safer. And yet, doing so leaves us feeling unfulfilled and robs the world of the blessing we are meant to be.
A quote from Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of ‘A Course in Miracles’” speaks to this.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
We must choose to be luminaries. Choose to shine unashamed and without holding back. As we walk in our true identity of children of the Light, we lead the way for others to do the same. And through that we are able to spur one another on to be our best selves. And isn’t that truly what the Body of Christ is called to do?
This then becomes a powerful witness to the world – as we walk boldly in our authentic selves, in unity with our brothers and sisters. That is a beautiful Kingdom – the Kingdom of God in evidence. What a glorious way to give honor to our King.
1 Thessalonians 5:5 (VOICE) For you are all children of light. You are sons and daughters of the day. We are not created of night, nor are we owned by darkness.
Matthew 5:14-16 (VOICE) And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it .
An Inspired Flow Art piece called “Light Birthing” is overlayed in this image. A portion of the word of Colorful Encouragement is connected to this.
Light clears away the distractions. It brings clarity and vision. It leads – allowing those in its path to see well the direction they are choosing. It brings illumination to the dark and hidden things. It is open and clear.
Be the light. Choose to bring light. Choose to walk in integrity and joy. Allow this lifestyle to be your signature – the essence of who you are. Raise those around you to that space rather than allow yourself to be drawn down into darkness. You may be but one, but you are mighty.
A prophetic download from Elisa Eaton is connected to this. It’s called “You Were Born for Greater Works.”
In Christ, you are destined for great things. We have a blessed hope and expectation to, at minimum, walk in the power and authority that Christ walked in upon the earth. But today, God is stirring us to reach even higher. Let us remember, we were born for greater works than our Savior displayed because He went to the Father. Christ is in heavenly places, cheering us on, and calling us to arise in the fullness of our calling as His Body.
So shake off every limitation that is holding you back. Trample upon the mindsets that tell you that you’e not good enough or will never amount to much. Arise, shine, and let the Kingdom of Heaven be released through you.
John 14:12 (VOICE) I tell you the truth: whoever believes in Me will be able to do what I have done, but they will do even greater things, because I will return to be with the Father. I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Mantle of Favor. The colors in it are imperial purple representing inheritance, emerald green representing prosperity, cranberry representing sealed, china red representing sacrifice, sky blue representing shalom, and electric blue representing perseverance.
Father, help us to be bold – to shine unafraid and without the temptation to dim our glow that You might be seen clearly through us and glorified in the earth.

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