Yielded Vessel reminds us the most intimate relationships with God are ones built on an intentional structure. They come from a foundation of humility, with a heart to love Him and be faithful to Him, to abide in Him and live for Him, all the while keeping one’s eyes fixed on exalting Him – holiness unto the Lord.
- John 12:49 (NLT) I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it.
- Jeremiah 1:9-10 (NKJV) Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.”
- Luke 17:20-21 (NKJV) Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
- Luke 12:31-32 (TPT) Each and every day he will supply your needs as you seek his kingdom passionately, above all else. So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom realm with all its promises!
This piece was inspired by the mission of Dyed4you Ministries. It’s intended to visually represent the heart and spiritual framework behind this ministry, which is about living a lifestyle of holy intimacy. The Dyed4you Ministries mission reads:
At Dyed4you Ministries, we are passionate about hearing the voice of God. We believe being able to hear Him is vital to having an intimate, interactive, life-changing relationship with Him. Our mission is to foster deeper intimacy with God through prophetic outpouring. We like to remind people that the words that come with our art and silk (and even our posts online like our Prophetic Nuggets and Mustard Seeds) are intended to be a portion of a conversation, not a conversation in its entirety.
We pray that our ministry helps encourage many moments with Him because we firmly believe everyone can (and should) be able to hear His voice (hearing God and learning to hear Him is a much-discussed topic on Meghan’s blog), and that comes from increased relationship with God.
We believe that relationship happens through a lifestyle that focuses on exalting Him (raising Him up – in our hearts and mind, praising Him, elevating and magnifying Him). We believe this is accomplished by setting an example of a John 3:30 (less of me, more of Him) lifestyle and then discipling and equipping believers by encouraging them to love God, be faithful to Him, abide in Him, and live for Him – holiness to the Lord. The result is a deeper intimacy with God, a high level of faith, walks rooted in foundational biblical truths, and prophetic revelation.
- Humility – John 3:30 – “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
- Love God – Deuteronomy 6:5 – “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
- Be Faithful – Joshua 23:11 – “Therefore take careful heed to yourselves, that you love the LORD your God.”
- Abide in Him – John 15:4-5 – “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
- Live for Him – 2 Corinthians 5:15 – “and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”
- Holiness to the Lord – Exodus 28:36 – “You shall also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet: HOLINESS TO THE LORD.” This gold plate was affixed to the inside of the priest’s headdress worn against his forehead as a constant reminder: holiness to the Lord.
We are supposed to abide in His presence, in His house, and then as we go forth we plant His seeds of faith and they bear fruit and become a fragrant garden. Victory is won as we dwell in the presence of the Holy One of Israel. Our El Shaddai. Our Omnipotent One. He is ever with us and pouring out of us. We must not grow stagnant or weary but look to Him and the tools for the harvest will pour forth!
His promises are fulfilled as we abide in Him. As we place our trust in Him He will not deny us. He will fill us to overflowing. He will anoint us with His favor and an abundant harvest will flow from the outpouring of His love and favor.
A message from Graham Cooke called “The Overcoming Life” is connected to this (this is a portion of the transcript).
The truth is for us the moment we received the Holy Spirit, we were exalted to another realm of life: it’s called the Kingdom. We are created in Christ to live in a heavenly realm whilst walking on this earth. We know that we live here but we belong there. And we can take anything from that realm and bring it into this one. On earth as it is in Heaven. As He is in Heaven, so are we in this world. We have an established link from Heaven to Earth. And we are binding on Earth what’s been bound in Heaven. And we’re loosing on earth what God is giving us permission to loose.
Every church in the world needs to have keys of the Kingdom. What are you as a company of people specifically called to bind and to loose? …Every church should have a bunch of keys and every individual in that church should have copies of those keys because we’re using the same keys. And it’s not people in leadership or people in “ministry” who have the keys. We all have the keys. We’re being discipled in how to use those keys.
{sensing} The earth shakes as all of Heaven cries “Holy!” The glory pours forth. Precious oil of the Spirit spills upon the heads of God’s anointed. You are a king and priest. You are an heir according to the promise.
There is no pressure on you to lead. There is no pressure on you to provide. You do not have to scramble. You do not have to figure it out. Most of all, the fate of the world or even an individual does not rest fully on your shoulders, but on the shoulders of the King of the Universe. Keep watch over your portion from the LORD and steward that well. As the Beloved of Christ, you are in service to your Bridegroom, the King of Kings. You are Holy unto the LORD, set apart unto Him and for His purposes. You, your gifts, and the resources He has given you are holy. Your value and the value of what you have to give is not set by others but by God alone. You are not here to be used up and disposed of by others. You are not common or without value. You are a special treasure and highly valued. Remember always that you bear the very seal of God upon you and all that you do—the name of YHVH.
A Meditation of the Word by Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this. It is called “The Keys to Multiplication”.
John 6:10-13 (TPT) … So on the vast grassy slope, more than five thousand hungry people sat down. Jesus then took the barley loaves and the fish and gave thanks to God. He then gave it to the disciples to distribute to the people. Miraculously, the food multiplied, with everyone eating as much as they wanted. When everyone was satisfied, Jesus told his disciples, “Now go back and gather up the pieces left over so that nothing will be wasted.” The disciples filled up twelve baskets of fragments, a basket of leftovers for each disciple.
The keys to multiplication in ministry is remembering that there is always more than enough. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. You do not have to beg for your portion because you have Christ and Christ is the very Bread from Heaven and the Word of Life. Like the loaves of bread and fishes, what you have to give to others will always come from of the overflow of your relationship with God. Your daily portion of His life and your daily portion of His Word are first and foremost for you. When the time comes to minister to others, seek God’s face and He will bless and multiply your portion.
Has someone come knocking on your door for bread or fish? Look into your cupboards, that miraculous storehouse of your heart. What is sustaining you today from His Word? What is the encouragement He has poured into your cup? What is the gentle correction that has shifted your thoughts and attitudes back towards Him? What is the revelation that you see bubbling forth from His Spirit at this hour? Beloved, take of what you have been given and watch God multiply it. You will find that you will always have more than enough to give to others—and even some left over!
The name of the silk in this image is Portal to the Throne Room. The colors in it are: china red representing the Bridegroom’s heart, electric blue representing intensity and tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7), black representing mysteries of God and the eye of God, gold shimmer representing portals and crown of glory.
Father, help us to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on You. Help us to be intentional in structuring and positioning ourselves for the greatest intimacy with You. We desire to know you more and to see You work in our lives. May we truly be yielded vessels submitted in humility for You to work through.
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