Hidden Treasures encourages us to go deep with the Lord. Set your path on His true north and follow without wavering.
- Isaiah 45:3 (TLB) And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness, secret riches; and you will know that I am doing this—I, the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by your name.
- Romans 11:33 (TLV) O the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how incomprehensible His ways!
- Proverbs 25:2 (AMPC) It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a thing.
- Matthew 13:44 (AMP) The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself].
The big dipper is one of the easiest ways to find the north star in the sky, like a clue or a symbol on a treasure map, it points the way. In the same way, reminds us to seek out our True North – the Lord – who is firm and never changing, steadfast and true. Psalm 111:10 (NLT) reminds us that the “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom.” The foundation, the base that holds everything else steady. He is worth the effort. He is worth seeking. He is a treasure worth giving all you have to attain Him – relationship with Him. When there’s someone important to you, you make time for them; spend time exchanging ideas, sharing thoughts and dreams, the desires of your heart…God is no different. It is worth plumbing the depths of His heart, wisdom, and grace.
A Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Take My Hand and Come Explore.”
Ecclesiastes 7:24-25 (VOICE) True wisdom remains elusive; its profound mysteries are remote. Who can discover it? So I turned and dedicated my heart to knowing more, to digging deeper, to searching harder for wisdom and the reasons things are as they are…
Beloved, take My hand and come explore. There are mysteries to ferret out and wild depths to plumb. The journey is worth the effort – so much to investigate and learn. Allow the draw of new adventures to beckon you in.
Resist the urge to assuage the yearnings within by placating yourself with worldly entertainments. Nothing is a substitute for divine revelation and the wisdom that is its companion. So hunger and thirst for more of Me, beloved. My fathomless depths are ours to explore.
A word called “Explore with Me” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Isaiah 45:3 (VOICE) I will give you hidden treasures and wealth tucked away in secret places; I will reveal them to you. Then you will know that I am the Eternal, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.
Beloved, I have so much more for you – things below the surface, outside your immediate natural understanding – will you go deep with Me? Will you allow Me to give you revelation? Will you choose to take the time – make the time – for us to be together?
Seek Me as you would immeasurable riches, for I AM more worthy and considerably more satisfying than such. Explore with Me. Together let us plumb the depths of My mysteries that I may share with you and teach you as I have promised.
Proverbs 3:13-15 (ESV) Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
The “MYSTERIES” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Mysteries of God” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Search out the deep mysteries. Refuse to be content simply with surface matters. Go deeper – there’s so much more to know. Look for Divine synchronicities. Pursue Spirit. Listen and watch. Let revelation come.”
This is a series of Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of four Prophetic Nuggets based on “Deep Calls Unto Deep” from Psalm 42:1, 5, 7-8 (VOICE):
My soul is dry and thirsts for You, True God, as a deer thirsts for water. Why am I so overwrought? Why am I so disturbed? Why can’t I just hope in God? Despite all my emotions, I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life. In the roar of Your waterfalls, ancient depths surge, calling out to the deep. All Your waves break over me; am I drowning? Yet in the light of day, the Eternal shows me His love. When night settles in and all is dark, He keeps me company— His soothing song, a prayerful melody to the True God of my life.
The first is called “Unquenchable Fervor.”
Psalm 42:1 (VOICE) My soul is dry and thirsts for You, True God, as a deer thirsts for water.
Beloved, may your heart long for Me with an unquenchable fervor. May you soak in My presence as if your life depends on it – because it does. May your pursuit of Me be relentless, just as Mine is for you. And may you find peace in My presence, for it is there for you.
Where else would you go to assuage your desire? For no person or earthly thing can satisfy the longing in your soul. None but Me, beloved. So resist the urge to look to poor substitutes, and saturate yourself in the fullness of My love.
The second is called “Rest Weightlessly in the Ocean of My Love.”
Psalm 42:5 (VOICE) Why am I so overwrought? Why am I so disturbed? Why can’t I just hope in God? Despite all my emotions, I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life.
Beloved, resist the urge to allow tumultuous emotions to weigh you down. Instead, rest weightlessly in the ocean of My love. I AM your heart’s desire, and I AM Ruwm Rosh – the lifter of your head. Look to Me, and let Me meet each need.
I AM holy, beloved, and true to My word. Trust My heart for you. Press through with praise – regardless of circumstance, and see the outpouring of love I lavish upon the ones whose hearts seek fast after Me.
The third is called “Drown in My Depths.”
Psalm 42:7 (VOICE) In the roar of Your waterfalls, ancient depths surge, calling out to the deep. All Your waves break over me; am I drowning?
Beloved, is there such a thing as too much of My love? Come drown in My depths. Be lulled in the flow of My Spirit. Be invigorated – My breath like bubbles against your skin. I AM El Shammah – the God who is present, and I AM always with you.
Press into Me and seek out the deep mysteries, for I will not withhold wisdom from those who ask. Be drawn deeper still, for there is no end to Me. Revelation upon revelation. Mercy beyond mercy. Love, endless love. Like a pool of swirling waves, happily drown in the pleasure of knowing and being known.
The fourth is called “YHVH Zimrath (the Lord your Song).”
Psalm 42:8 (VOICE) Yet in the light of day, the Eternal shows me His love. When night settles in and all is dark, He keeps me company— His soothing song, a prayerful melody to the True God of my life.
Beloved, quiet your soul and hear My song. Its strains whispering peace to those who would listen. Tune in to that golden flow. Let it wash over you. Let it be what mandates the cadence of your life.
Resist the urge to allow the chaos of the world to bring discord, but instead press in deeper, like a child burrowing into their parent’s shoulder – safe, secure, and loved in their arms. I AM your safety and I AM your song – YHVH Zimrath, the Lord your song.
“I have good gifts for you that will astound you, says the LORD. Come into the secret place and discover what I have reserved for you to there. Hidden treasures await you that will WOW you and cause your heart to rejoice. I love to lavish My good gifts upon you and watch your face light up as you are surprised by the sudden, unexpected blessings that I will unveil for you. I will restore comforts onto you and give you joy and peace that cannot be extracted from you or comparable to anything that you have ever known before, says the LORD” (From “I Am Your Comfort and Joy” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light).
A portion of a post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Gelah Raz (Revealer of Mysteries).”
One of the names of God is Gelah Raz, which means Revealer of Mysteries. God loves to go treasure hunting with us (where revelation and knowledge of-or-from Him is the treasure). Kirk Bennett (from IHOP Kansas City and founder of ZHOP) shared a word picture that gave me such insight into this name that I want to share it with you as I paraphrased it on my blog at the time as well as my personal response to it. [This is from my post “Our Father.”]
“When I play hide and seek with my two-year-old son, it is not hard for me to hide. If I wanted to I could get in my car and drive off 5 miles… what’s the likelihood he’d find me then? But instead, I hide behind a curtain with the toe of one shoe sticking out… the point is I want to be found… but I want to be sought out.”
Suddenly I loved Him even more because He has these mysteries for us because we like it! We like the chase, we like the hunt… it engages us and makes us think… and He loves to watch us work… see how we work through things… He loves us. He’s a good Daddy. He’s not hiding things to be mean, but He knows how much more we will value what is found if we’ve had to work for it a bit.
And frankly, it’s all about the relationship we build along the way… the time spent together is a FAR greater treasure than the mysteries being revealed… because He is the greatest mystery. And the greatest treasure.
All this to say, I encourage you to take the words you receive through this ministry and seek the Lord for more. What you get from Dyed4you is only a starting point or a mid-point. So jump into the depths of what He wants to share and may God bless you richly as you seek Him with your whole heart!
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Treasures of the Deep. The colors in it are teal representing abundance, imperial purple representing royalty, white representing surrendered, and harvest orange representing fullness.
Thank You, Father, that You are Gelah Raz – the Revealer of Mysteries – and oh, the amazing things You have for us if we would but seek to plumb the depths of Your truths. Teach us by Your Holy Spirit and give us wisdom to know what to do with what You reveal. You are worth knowing, and that which You call treasure makes us rich indeed.
NOTE: word expanded January 2022
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