Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

New Season


New Season depicts stepping into a new season filled with refreshing and warmed by His light, covered in His promises – flourishing and lush, bright and clear – walking the path He has laid before you.

“Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.” Isaiah 43:19 (VOICE)

A word called “The New for You Awaits” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this image. “The new for you awaits, says the LORD. It is ahead, for I will make all things New for you. It is not a do over, and you will not repeat the steps that you have already taken. Those steps were for those times, and you will not continue to go round and round and round, going through the same things, doing the same things, seeing the same things and being in the same place that you were. The former things will pass away as I bring you into a new day with new things. You too will be new, says the Lord. Keep pressing on, says the LORD.

“Don’t look back. Don’t think those old thoughts and dwell on the past, for it is not your now and it is not your future. It is not your destiny. I have created the plan, to fulfill My purpose. and the season that you are in is only a time of preparation for where I Am taking you. It is good, says the LORD, for I do all things well. Don’t consider the pain or the process that you have endured, but focus on your personal promised land. For I Am a GOD that is dependable. My promises are always fulfilled. I do as I say and do not change My mind. I cannot lie, have not deceived you and will fulfill every Word that I have spoken to you. Your purpose will be fulfilled in My Kingdom and you will be fulfilled as well. Rejoice, for the new is NEW, and you will be ready for what I have for you, and you will have great joy, says the LORD.”

{hearing} New life! Step into My promises. My vision/plan for you is perfect. Enter In. Align yourself with Me, the Creator of All Things. Come away with Me, I have beautiful things in store for you. Your season is changing. You are leaving the dry, barren season and walking out My promises for you in your life in abundance and freedom! Enter into the promises I have for you. Restoration and new life. The way is opening up for you – walk into your inherited destiny from Me.

The name of the silk hidden in this image is Covered by Blessing. The colors in it are plum representing inheritance, soft gold representing blessing, mahogany brown representing love of YHVH (the Lord), dark amber representing glory of YHVH, and bronze shimmer representing beauty of YHVH.

Thank You, Father that Your promises are yes and amen. Our future is bright and Your plans for us are plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We refuse to pay attention to the exterior circumstances, we choose to see by Your Spirit as we walk unafraid into the new season You have for us.

newseason newseason-5x7word coveredbyblessing_dyed4yousilk


  1. Karen Douglas

    Meghan Rainbow Seed!!! You have done it again! Cannot even begin to describe how accurate this is for my life right now. I have had to leave my old church. Most frustration g a d saddest season ever. Now very excited as I participate in the birth of a new full gospel church rooted on personal relationship with Hi , expressed in worship grounded inspirit and Truth. ThNk you so much my Sweet Friend. Although I can of afford to buy, your work is always an encouragement and confirmation of the way He has chosen for me.

  2. Karen Douglas

    So need to edit above post….so many typos but the meaning is the same.

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