Enter the Promise depicts a rescued one stepping into the promise, the land of milk and honey, the tangible blessing of God and fruit of His faithfulness – the outcome of His promises.
“Give thanks to Yahweh because he is good, because his mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NOG)
“Yahweh is good. His mercy endures forever. His faithfulness endures throughout every generation.” Psalm 100:5 (NOG)
A word called “I Have Heard Your Groaning” from the Quickened Word is connected to this art. “I have heard the groanings of My people and I have not abandoned you in your cries. I have promised through My Name El Shaddai, that I will bring you out from your burdens of the taskmaster. I will rescue you from your bondage and redeem you with My outstretched arm. I will bring you into Your land flowing with milk and honey and your inheritance in the earth and heaven will be rich. You are My people, and I will bring you out. Fear not. Trust not in the arm of flesh, trust in the hand of Your God, the One Whose arm is strong and mighty.”
Additionally a portion of a word from Prophetic Light called “I Do Not Promise in Vain” is connected to this art. “I will answer. I will provide. For when you became Mine, I obligated Myself to care for your soul, says the LORD. I took you under MY wings and you will not be excluded from My table. Just come in! Come into My presence. The doors are open to you always! You do not have to pound on them or scream for them to open. You need no permission. My presence is where you belong. My table is spread for you. COME and DINE! Drink. Eat. Fellowship and enjoy, for there is no favorites with ME. Whosoever will may come and eat and drink freely. I obligate Myself to honor those who honor Me. Those who pursue Me are pursued by Me, says the LORD. Did you think that I have no obligations? I obligate Myself to perform My miraculous acts in your midst as you come to Me in simple faith. I honor that, and there is nothing that you need that is off the table, nothing that you need is denied, says the LORD. SIMPLY RECEIVE, for it is already there….for your discovery, says the LORD.”
The name of the silk in this image is Mine. The colors in it are ruby representing passion, maroon representing love song, cream representing childlike faith and milk and honey, turquoise representing willingness to fight for you and Jealous God, and white representing innocence.
Thank You, Father, that He who has promised is FAITHFUL! We can trust You to fulfill that which You’ve said. You do NOT promise in vain. You are true and Your promises are yes and amen – they are done, accomplished, complete from the moments You utter them from Your lips. We trust You. We relentlessly pursue You – running into the arms of our loving Savior for Your mercy endures forever! We seek You above all because nothing is better than Your love.
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