
Refreshing Love depicts the interior landscape  of the soul – rich and verdant from the water of life flowing from the river of God – and high in the midst, in a place of authority and victory, the worshipper dances with joy having been filled with His love. As she has received, freely she will give.

“According to Your steadfast love refresh me and give me life, So that I may keep and obey the testimony of Your mouth.” Psalm 119:88 (AMP)

“You are a fountain in a garden, A well of fresh and living water, And streams flowing from Lebanon.” Song of Solomon 4:15 (AMP)

Though the times have been dry and weary, the Lord is calling you deeper in Him.  He says, “Come my beloved, step into My river. Be refreshed. Find freedom and renewal and blessing. Let Me reveal mysteries. Be saturated in the restorative flow from the river of God that you might pour forth.” Allow His love to refresh you and His touch minister to you. He desires you to pour out from abundance, not from a parched and weary soul. So receive and refresh so that your ministry might be rich, life-giving, and saturated with His Spirit. For the Lord has anointed you to speak hope into people’s lives, to pour forth from the fullness He has poured into you.

In Proverbs 13:12 we are reminded hope deferred makes a heart sick and in Psalm 33:18 that “the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.” Whether or not someone has hope has a dramatic impact on their lives.  As a carrier of hope and His love, you are called to speak life and refreshing, encourage steadfastness and trust in God, and pour into others as He has graciously poured out His love on you. Give as you’ve been given to.

{seeing} You are a well, a spring bubbling over from deep within. Life-giving water to refresh, heal, and make whole. The sun (Son) reflecting off the water bringing light and joy – a sense of lightness and well-being, relief… depression-squashing joy. The land surrounding flourishing from the saturation and richness of life coming forth.

The name of the silk in this image is Be Saturated. The colors in it are turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, plum representing abundance, olive representing fresh oil, and dark teal representing fertile ground.

Father, thank You for Your life-changing love! May we be wise stewards of that gift and take the joyous saturation You’ve anointed us with to bless others and help them know and receive from You. May we be known by our love.

refreshing love refreshinglove-5x7word besaturated_dyed4yousilk