Peace like a River represents the active peace that the Father brings to our hearts and minds as we rest in and follow Him and reflect His Son.
“If only you had listened to my commands! Your peace would be like a river that never runs dry. Your righteousness would be like waves on the sea.” Isaiah 48:18 (GW)
“This is what the Lord says: I will offer you peace like a river and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream.” Isaiah 66:12a (GW)
{echoing in your heart} He lays me down beside the waters quiet and still… over troubled waters He said “Peace Be Still.” Peace guards my heart. Peace is who He is and He lives in me. It is the secret place that is always available to me. It is where I find rest. My roots firmly secured in His rich, watered soil; a tree planted by living water.
YHVH Shalom (the Lord our Peace). YHVH is translated as “The Existing One” or “Lord.” The chief meaning is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning “to be” or “to exist.” It also suggests “to become” or specifically “to become known” – this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly. Shalom is a derivative of shâlêm (which means “be complete” or “sound”) Shalom is translated as “peace” or “absence from strife.” (Blue Letter Bible)
When all around you is chaos, confusion, frustration, or despair, remember to stop and ask Father for that peace like a river. In the times of your greatest need, His peace will see you through. You may still shed tears, still not understand, still not have an answer, but His peace will keep you in a place of seeing, hearing, and receiving. Sometimes, His answer will be a scripture, a song, or a friendly voice bringing comfort. And even if circumstance keep vying for you attention, and things distract you, keep returning to His peace. When you are in the moment of non peace, it is easy to let your mind race and worry crowd your thoughts. But you have a firm invitation to return to the peace extended to you from the Prince of Peace. Keep choosing Him and His peace.
The name of the silk in this image is River of Peace. The colors in your scarf are cayman island green representing praise, green representing hope, electric blue representing a release, turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, white representing peace, teal representing increase, and pearl shimmer representing angelic presence.
Father, thank You that Your peace – Your shalom – is steadfast. It is a peace that wars against chaos; an active, living peace not a complacent lethargy. We rest in You. We’re rooted in You. We trust in You and Your ways. May Your water of life bring forth the fruit of peace in our lives.
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