Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Love Waits

Love Waits smLove Waits represents the beauty of the decision to stay pure and wait.

“How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. I have tried hard to find you–don’t let me wander from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:9-11 (NLT)

The silk in this image is Whole Heart. The colors in it are white representing purity, gray representing doves eyes, fuchsia representing passion, sky blue representing open heaven, lavender representing intimacy, and purple representing abiding.

Hedged in by His word and His love, He protects you as you choose to wait trusting His plans and His promises which are yes and amen. Allow His beauty to shine forth as you wait on Him, eyes fixed not on the destination, but rather on Him as you journey the path He has for you, which is beautiful and brings glory to Him.

Father, bring strength to choose what pleases You. Strength to stand counter to the culture – trusting in You and Your plans. Be glorified! May Your love fulfill every need and may the earthly love You bring simply be an extension of Your love. Prepare the hearts, heal the souls, bring forth the callings – be magnified!


Love Waits 5x7 word Whole Heart silk


  1. Jessica S.

    So beautiful, so healing. This will really minister to some young women I know.

  2. Dyed4you Art

    We shared this image on FB on 16 June 2016 and asked what you got from the Father when you looked at it and here’s what you shared:

    An answered prayer for help to carry the weight



    Blessed are they who are pure in heart, they shall see God!


    I will ride with you,the armies of heaven dressed in white.

    “Come to me my, darling”

    Behold the Bridegroom comes on a White Horse <3

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