Whisper His Name depicts a faithful one huddled on the ground with her shield lying on top of her, wounded and tired, but still whispering the name of her God, and waiting on Him.
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Psalm 27:13
The name of the silk in this image is Relentless in Battle. The colors in it are turquoise represents warfare, mahogany represents warrior’s heart – praise in the mouth and sword in the hand (Psalm 149:3-7), pea green represents encouragement, and teal represents reward.
As the battles rage on there are moments it is hard not to give up, but Joshua 23:8 and 10 remind us, “…cling to the Lord your God …for it is the Lord your God Who fights for you, as He promised you.” We must not “make mention of the names of their gods or swear by them” (v7), but rather continue to whisper His name and cling to Him no matter how battle-weary we may feel. His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) when we cling to Him.
Father, help us to stay true and cling to You no matter how heavily the battle rages. Help us to keep our heart and eyes fixed on You in expectation with Your name on our lips. Help us to trust You and what You are working even in the midst of the battle. You are good. You are for us. On this we will stand.
She looks how I feel. Tired of crying, feeling lost at times but I go on with hope in God. Sometimes all I can do is say Jesus help me and I know He does. I have not lost my mind. lol And I trust Him to see me through this test/lesson. I know I will see His goodness in the land of the living. Amen!
This is such a moving piece Meghan. God bless you.
Meghan it is beautiful and has me in tears. He has told my husband and I the battle has been won….to stay on the front line..to not be discouraged…but it has been a long season and we are both weary and trying to get our fight back. Thank you for such an encouraging piece of art!!!!
Gorgeous and breath taking! How I know how she feels!
You are so gifted. Thank you for sharing your gift, talent, and blessing!
Oh how much this depicts where I am right now. A strange but wonderful feeling to see it all in art form 🙂 A picture is worth far more than a thousand words.
So beautiful, so real, this depicts so many I know in this season. Thank you Jesus for prophetic vision and art that inspires and refreshes the soul.
So many of us who have stood for seasons are feeling the intensity of the battle. But God is raising us up once more and dressing us for battle. Even in the midst of dispair as we call out to Him, He is making a way, bringing refreshing with his strenght.
this speaks to me in so many ways. stunning.
Oh!!! ….. OH!!!!!! AMANDA!! what an amazing, beautiful, accurate PERFECT depiction!
and this is so G-d crazy (makes no sense in the natural, in the spiritual it makes perfect sense) but i have SEEN scenes like this, written stories about it and my SPIRIT is jumping with recognition and realization.
MEGHAN! i can’t even fashion words to bless you with what this artwork is stirring up. i MUST order this one. BLESS YOU BLESS YOU BLESS YOU BLESS YOU! thank you again for your obedience and the careful ear you lend to His Majesty.
i have been in this position many a time. it is but a momentary light affliction. whisper His name, call on His name, shout out His name!!! JESUS!
This reminds me of some of my dear and precious friends.
Just beautiful, Meghan!
Meghan you are gifted so Lord is using you to give us strength and Lord is using you mightily – open yourself to receive your reward daily, specially when you are whispering His name – and that is heart beat of your being. <3<3<3
Oh Meghan: Lord Have mercy this is exactly where I am right now.
This is beautiful! I’m speechless!
I havent been on in a while, but this still takes my breath away.
Someday I will have this in a large size on my wall!
Once again, I have this one in my office at home. This one was one my husband got for me to remind me that God is still my shield.
We share this with you on FB on 21 June 2016 and here’s what you all got from this image:
God is with we in the midst of battles. He hides and shields me while He fights for me.
Coming out of the battle of addiction….. There is hope.
Psalms 27!
I just wrapped this one up as we are packing and moving. I’m looking forward to getting it up on the wall again!!!?????
Deliverance! Cloud by day fire by night!
God’s Beautiful light
There is no hiding place… I am coming back are you prepared?
I AM exposing the enemy camp, leading you, rest here, I AM summoning the host to go before you.
Battle rages but before I step foot on the battle ground my God is with me making the way
Hiding..safely….in the the cleft of THE ROCK…whilts HE fighting for me…