Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Possess It

Possess It depicts a worshiper who is willing to trust the Father and praise Him even in the midst of the desert.

“But my servant… because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.” Numbers 14:24

When we are willing to trust Him even when He walks us into a desert, and we lavish our praise on Him simply because He is worthy and we love Him, then He brings us into the fullness of the promises He has for us.

The silk in this piece is called You are my Hallelujah. The colors in it are golden yellow representing joyful praise, orange representing praise, fuchsia representing passion, amethyst representing merry heart, deep orange representing joy, cranberry representing worth the ultimate price (John 15:13), and plum representing abundance.

I pray that you would be willing to pay the price, and lay it all down for Him – completely trusting Him, no matter what – so that you might enter into the promised land He has for you.


  1. Jen

    This is beautiful! I just love it!

  2. Elaine

    Yet again this picture touches my heart as do the flags!!
    Meghan, somehow I knew this artwork was coming. It is awesome!!

    Blessings to you

  3. Allissa A

    I am SUPER passionate about Joshua. My guitar is named Canaan. And I just got out of that very season of being in the dry desert where it was hot and sticky. Now I am starting to feel the cool rains pour down. I hope that through this art the rains will be ushered in.

  4. Tonia

    Love it! Loved it on Facebook and love it even more here.

  5. Tami L

    ♥ this!! ♥ the word that goes with it. I had seen the post, just hadn’t set down to read it. Beautiful.

    @Allissa, I loved what you Wrote ” I hope that through this art the rains will be ushered in.” I stand in agreement with you on these words.

    Blessings to you all

  6. Tonia

    After looking at print 1 and 2, I have to say I really like this series. It is like viewing degrees of trust. In the first, she trusts in the blazing sun, and in the 2nd the fire comes and she still trusts. Both speak to me and I love the encouragement. Thank you Meghan for sharing with us.

  7. Stephanie

    I love this artwork!! Seriously got goosebumps reading the words that are with it. Wow!!!! And…. As always….. The silk that goes with it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! My wish list is getting longer!!! Lol! 🙂

  8. Karen Douglas

    have just now seen the three is this series and I am seriously in awe. wow. thank you Meghan for allowing the Holy Spirit to work thru you with such power.

  9. Jessica S.

    Clearly I haven’t seen the new artwork in awhile…the whole “Desert Praise” series is seriously, profoundly, prophetic.

  10. vojka

    Meghan, you suprises me from each product of your hands – this is my heart in words and picture. this was first thing i saw when i came at this web site month,two ago and i was astonished with this picture and this silk and specially name of the silk and …… always so touched when i see this ….

    love and blessing

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