Expectancy depicts the joyous hope that comes during the waiting for the fulfillment of the Lord’s promises and longings He’s placed in your heart.
“I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I hope.” Psalm 130:5
The butterflies represent the beauty and joy of something new being birthed. “Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?” (Isaiah 43:19) The Lord is bringing forth all He has promised. Just as there is a lot of travail in birthing a baby and a butterfly often struggles when it’s coming out of the cocoon, but that struggle is necessary so that it can fly, so the wait can sometimes be difficult as we hopefully expect… and wait… and wait.
The silken wings in this image are a scarf called Daughter of the King. The colors in it are purple representing inheritance, amethyst representing child of the Almighty, plum representing abundance, and metallic gold representing blessing. We are reassured that the fulfillment of His promises to us are our inheritance!
I pray for your heart to be in joyous expectation as you hold fast to the promises and dreams the Lord has conceived in your heart and press through the waiting to see them come to full term and be birthed.
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