Enthroned One reminds us that the God of victory is on our side and nothing is greater than He is, for He reigns over all.
- Deuteronomy 3:22 (GW) Don’t be afraid of them, because the Lord your God himself will fight for you.
Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries
Enthroned One reminds us that the God of victory is on our side and nothing is greater than He is, for He reigns over all.
Grow in Faithfulness reminds us to be firmly rooted in our faith – our trust that “God is not a man that He should lie,” and that we can fully trust Him and allow our faith to be continually tested and grow stronger.
YHVH Cela (the Lord your Rock) reminds us when we are firmly rooted and grounded in the Lord, we are safe for God is steadfast and sure.
The Winding Road reminds us that when the road gets hard or storms loom up ahead, we can simply rest in the Everlasting Arms. God is our strength, our stronghold, our protector, and the lifter of our heads. So continue on with joy as you rest in the shadow of His wings.
The name of this collection is Promised Kingdom. It is comprised of a combination of Dyed4you Art images, the words of which are shared below as well as the download He shared concerning their combined meaning. The images included in this collection are:
Stand with Me reminds us there is no battle too big – we are not fighting in our own strength, we are not fighting in our own power. The battle is fixed, and we have already won.
Fathomless God reminds us to fix our gaze on God and on the things of God – to be intentional with our focus and let Him captivate our hearts and minds that we might stay in a place of awe.
Look Ahead reminds us to keep our hearts set on what God has in store for us. Regardless of how long it takes for His promises to manifest, He is faithful and true. So though they may seem to tarry, and sometimes we may not understand His ways, still we know His promises come forth in His perfect timing and His perfect way. So we choose to wait and trust in Him.
Blooming Faith reminds of the importance of persisting in the face of trails, knowing that the Father has not forgotten us but is cultivating and increasing our faith in the process.
Refuse To Be Moved depicts the Lord’s beloved standing fast against the lies of the enemy and destroying every lie that comes against the Truth.
Sustained by Him reminds us what we get from God depends upon our level of desire or demand (taste) for Him. In the same way a mother produces milk dependent upon the “demand” from the baby’s thirst, likewise God happily feeds us as much as we are willing to take the time to draw. He desires to nourish us in all areas of life, but we must remember to feast on Him and on His word, and to be intentional about doing so. Though this may seem like the simplest part of our faith, it is essential – providing a firm foundation for everything else the Father would do in and through us.
The name of this collection is Forever Faithful. It is comprised a combination of Dyed4you Art images, the words of which are shared below as well as the download He shared concerning their combined meaning in addition to the name above. The images included in this collection are:
Blessed Beyond a Curse depicts a zealous one, standing in worship and intercession in the deepest of nights surrounded by reminders of His promises and knowing without a doubt that joy comes in the morning.
Joyful Warrior depicts the relentless one strengthened by the One who will never leave or forsake Whose joy is our strength.
Eyes of Mercy reminds us that to immerse ourselves in God’s Word is to soak in the very depths of His heart. The eyes of our understanding are enlightened as we gain revelation of His character. This impacts how we view ourselves and how we view others. For the very throne of God declares, “Mercy triumphs over judgment!” The death in our nature is carried away by the River of Life that issues from His throne. Washed by these waters, we discover that there is no force stronger than God’s love for His people.
Anointed Dreams reminds us He will stand with us to keep the dreams He’s placed in our heart’s from being stolen or distorted. He has placed them in our hearts. It also reminds us He meets us in our natural dreams to heal, restore, and encourage us.
Psalm 16:7 (TLB) I will bless the Lord who counsels me; he gives me wisdom in the night. He tells me what to do.
Psalm 3:5 (TLB) Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely, for the Lord was watching over me.
Psalm 16:5 (GW) The Lord is my inheritance and my cup. You are the one who determines my destiny.
Faithful and True depicts a worshipper raising her banner declaring her confident faith in the Promises of the One who is faithful.
Revelation 19:11 (VOICE) I looked up and saw that heaven had opened. Suddenly, a white horse appeared. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with righteousness He exercises judgment and wages war.
Revelation 19:11 (AMPC) After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness).
Numbers 23:19 (GW) God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.
God of Wonders depicts a worshipper transfixed in adoration of the One who is worthy of all praise.
Psalm 40:5 (NASB) Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count.
Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!
Watchman on the Wall reminds us to keep our hearts and minds on guard, our vision clear and wide, and to remember He has reinforcements there – ready when needed – as we stay vigilant and prepared.
“Adonai is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him, and I was helped.Therefore my heart leaps for joy,and I will praise Him with my song.” Psalm 28:7 (TLV)
“O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord.” Isaiah 62:6 (NLT)
“And will not [our just] God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones), who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf?” Luke 18:7 (AMPC)
Abundant Fruit depicts the King appreciating His beloved. She is a tree planted by rivers of living water bearing much fruit surrounded by life and promise.
“My darling bride, My private paradise fastened to My heart. A secret spring are you that no one else can have – My bubbling fountain hidden from public view. What a perfect partner to Me, now that I have you! Your inward life is now sprouting, bringing forth fruit. What a beautiful paradise unfolds within you! When I’m near you I smell aromas of the finest spice. I find many clusters of My exquisite fruit growing within your inner garden…” Song of Solomon 4:12-14
A Place to Tarry depicts the consecrated place where we meet with Him – a realm for just you two to abide together so that you might lavish your love on one another.
“You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain.” Song of Songs 4:12 (NLT)
“Awaken, north wind — come, south wind. Blow on my garden, and spread the fragrance of its spices. Let my love come to his garden and eat its choicest fruits.” Song of Songs 4:16 (HCSB)
New Season depicts stepping into a new season filled with refreshing and warmed by His light, covered in His promises – flourishing and lush, bright and clear – walking the path He has laid before you.
“Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.” Isaiah 43:19 (VOICE)
Not Defeated depicts a humbled warrior surrounded by ministering spirits with the light of Christ calling him to arise and walk. Though it may be night, the dawn WILL come, and God’s mercies are new each day. He is not defeated!
“The steps of good men are directed by the Lord. He delights in each step they take. If they fall, it isn’t fatal, for the Lord holds them with his hand.” Psalm 37:23-24 (TLB)
“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NLT)
“The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.” Psalm 145:14 (KJV)
“Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet.” Psalm 140:4 (NIV)
“Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]” Hebrews 1:14 (AMP)
Peace like a River represents the active peace that the Father brings to our hearts and minds as we rest in and follow Him and reflect His Son.
“If only you had listened to my commands! Your peace would be like a river that never runs dry. Your righteousness would be like waves on the sea.” Isaiah 48:18 (GW)
“This is what the Lord says: I will offer you peace like a river and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream.” Isaiah 66:12a (GW)
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