Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: prophetic

Operating in Love (The Prophetic Voice)

I shared this on my personal blog, but given the nature of what we do here at Dyed4you and  Dyed4you Ministries in general, I felt like this was worth sharing because this is how we strive to operate: in love. We desire to see the Body function in the prophetic in a healthy, biblical way. After having been in a prophetic ministry for over a decade, I have seen how easy it is for it to be used as a weapon and for people to be hurt, disillusioned, and fall away as a result of lack of teaching in the prophetic and people not operating in it in a biblical way.  Continue reading

How-to Receive Dyed4you Art/Silk

We like to say that the words you receive from Dyed4you and Dyed4you Art are a portion of a conversation, not a conversation in its entirety. We love to hear that we’re confirming something He’s already shared. Ideally, each of us should hear His voice for ourselves and words from others should mostly confirm and expand things He’s already shared, but regrettably many of us have been taught to doubt our ability to hear Him for ourselves. We rely so strongly on our natural senses that we prefer to hear another person tell us what He’s saying to us because we trust our natural senses more than our spiritual ones. That’s usually because we’ve spent more time cultivating our natural senses while neglecting our spiritual ones (again often because we’ve been taught to do so).  Continue reading

What is a Prophetic Word?

A while back I shared How-To Receive a Prophetic Word, and on our sites we talk about the letters (prophetic words) that come with our silk and art and the fact that they are supposed to be a portion of a conversation with God, not an entire conversation in and of themselves. These prophetic pieces are intended to facilitate conversation with God, add a dimension to interactions that are hopefully already occurring, or begin conversation if none is. Ultimately, relationship with Him is what we all should be working on and trying to strength and deepen.  Continue reading

Interconnected Art

img_2052I find it so cool when we get to collaborate prophetically. As we operate in the flow, He moves through each of us and allows the various threads to interconnect and frankly I just find that beautiful!

This is written by a friend who is part of the Dyed4you Art community. She shares about her experiences with our Clothed with Power from on High piece, and an art piece she created that was inspired from it. This was originally a post from a forum in the Quickened Word (You’ll have to sign up to be able to access this post directly), which she tweaked specifically for us.  I hope you’re as blessed by it as I was! Continue reading

Introducing: Living Water

Living WaterLiving Water was created base on a prophetic word one of you received. For those of you who aren’t following Dyed4you Art’s Facebook page, you’re missing out! Not only do we post new art pieces and let you guys contribute to the word, but we also periodically ask what images you’d like to see and then create them as we feel led. This was one of those pieces. It’s based off a word one of you received and essentially it expands that word by building on it – prophetic collaboration. I love how Father enjoys have us working together in unity! Additionally, the word was birthed with the help of the Dyed4you Art community. Beautiful! I hope you’re blessed by it. Continue reading

His Voice Thunders

HisVoiceThunders-printcardsThis is a commissioned art piece we created about a year and a half ago. The prophetic message was a collaborative effort with the commissioners, Blair Healing Rooms. The word they received about this piece was “God’s voice thunders” – that kicked off the creation. There were confirmations along the way and when the piece was completed it became a personal favorite!  Continue reading

Introducing: Secret Place

SecretPlace_FBSo excited to introduce to you the newest Dyed4you Art image named Secret Place. Each piece I create effects me differently, and every once and a while I get to create one that just touches me deeply. This is one of those pieces.

I shared this image (but not the word that went with it) with a dear friend of mine who is on our Dyed4you Prophetic team and I was so blessed by what she shared back that I wanted to pass it along so you all could be blessed by it as well. Continue reading

How-To Receive a Prophetic Word

I had an email recently from someone who had been very wounded and confused by experiences in a church that moved in the prophetic. This is not the first time someone has shared a story like this with me, nor will it likely be the last.

Regrettably, experiences like these are often what have chased people away from from all things prophetic – which is a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water. What really needs to happen is that we need to learn how to properly receive a prophetic word – and often this isn’t something we’re taught, but rather something we learn over time (and through hurts). Hopefully, what I’ve shared below will help, even if they simply serve as a reminder for people who already function in these principles. :) Continue reading

Prophetic Gifts

This came from someone who ordered a number of printcards from the gallery.

I recently purchased several printcards from your website. I want to let you know that I am part of the dance ministry at my church and I bought these printcards to give as Birthday gifts to the ladies on the team. The ladies that have received them have really been blessed. Your artwork is blessed. I heard about you via a link from PraiseMovesContinue reading

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