Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: Dyed4you silks (Page 3 of 3)

River of Life Display

Recently the Lord made it clear it was time for my wrought iron canopy to go. I’d had it for the better part of two decades and frankly it had been around for things in my life that I didn’t need reminding of!Β  So the Lord began telling me it was time to go and then confirmed it in a dream to an intercessor friend. Continue reading

Silent Auction

A neat story about a fundraiser that Dyed4you Art and Dyed4you donated some items to – love how God moves even in moments like these πŸ™‚

The young adults ministry Remnant at my church was having a silent auction the first weekend in August. We had it during our church’s annual BBQ & Rib Fest. The money raised was to help us continue outreach to our community, to college campuses here in Columbus, and to help with our website. I knew I wanted to ask Meghan to prayerfully consider a donation, and she was very gracious to do so! Now, admittedly, this silent auction was brought up last minute and left only a little under 2 weeks to “campaign” for donations. Continue reading


The PraiseMoves set is about honoring the temple – our body.

We see the breath of God blowing through the “temple” – bringing life – as Laurette (representing one willing to honor the temple God’s given) moves into positions that both stretch her body as well as offer praise to Him. Continue reading

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