Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: Dyed4you silks (Page 2 of 3)

Introducing: Heavenly Ascent

This week’s release is called Heavenly Ascent. It is based on the story of Jacob at Bethel with the dream of the angels ascending and descending from heaven. Earlier this year, we birthed a silk called Bethel (see video of a long flag in the Bethel style below). The flag in the video we share was the silk used in this art and we ultimately gifted both the flag and the art to our friends David and Claire of Called to Flag (read our whole post on our flags from them and more). You’ll see them opening their package from us in the second video below (she pulls out the Heavenly Ascent art piece about 30 seconds in).  Continue reading

Introducing: A Place to Tarry

The inspiration for this image, A Place to Tarry, came as I was using the silk that ended up in the image (Place of Closeness). As I was worshipping with the wing, it was as though God opened this lush place around me – I could almost smell the fragrances and feel the warm breeze – it was amazing. This art was intended to capture the feel and the heart behind what He showed me. I hope it blesses you!  Continue reading

Introducing: The Seer & Prophetic Light

propheticpairThis week we’re introducing an image pair with a prophetic theme: The Seer (Ra’ah) and Prophetic Light. Both these images have our Prophetic Flow silk in them. The Prophetic Light image was inspired by, which is an awesome prophetic ministry that has been a big blessing to me personally as well as Dyed4you Ministries as a whole (since‘s words have ended up being quoted in a variety of art pieces and silks). We created the Prophetic Light image as a gift for June Reinke (the heart behind the ministry) along with a silk and she was very blessed by the gifts. Love how Papa God knows just how and when to touch each of us. We pray both these pieces and their words are a blessing to you!  Continue reading

Introducing: Joy Comes in the Morning

This piece was finished just a few minutes ago. God impressed on my heart that many needed the reminder of this promise and that I should release it right away, so here is Joy Comes in the Morning. This image was originally inspired by an image one of my Dyed4you team members shared on Facebook (see below). I began tinkering with a new piece during a call with a dear friend from the Dyed4you community (we frequently do calls and pray and I’ll create while we talk), but it wasn’t coming together… I discovered later it was because the silk hadn’t been created yet. 🙂  Continue reading

Introducing: Boldly Approach

Boldly ApproachIntroducing a new personal favorite (which I’m already displaying on my wall – see below) called Boldly Approach. This image includes a Dyed4you silk called Breaking Point that is one that particularly blessed me (in fact it’s my streamer that appears in the image). It is about an identity breakthrough – truly seeing yourself as God sees you, which beautifully aligns with Boldly Approach which is about being bold and fearless as you approach the throne of grace. I pray this image and its word are a blessing to you! Continue reading

Introducing: Hidden in Him

Hidden in HimThis piece began by simply me feeling the emotion behind this image: a sense of being overwhelmed, small, sometimes even scared. The Father highlighted the Dyed4you silk to me for this piece, Cleft of the Rock. And I could feel being hidden in the cleft with His hand covering me. Thus this piece began to unfold. I pray that Hidden in Him will be a timely word and an encouragement to others in a similar place to this. Continue reading

Introducing: Father’s Song

Fathers SongThe inspiration for Father’s Song came from two places: first from its name (which came from someone in the Dyed4you Art community), and the second from another art piece someone shared online (see below – wish I knew who the artist was!). The name (Father’s Song) had been percolating in my spirit for a month or so when I first saw the art piece and immediately began seeing a similar piece, but with a Dyed4you Art flair. Continue reading

Introducing: Healing Rain

HealingRain_FBThis is a piece I’ve had stirring in my spirit for a while. We have a Dyed4you silk named Healing Rain, and there is a Scent of Heaven anointing oil called Healing Rain; so I’ve been waiting for Father to bring forth a Dyed4you Art piece called Healing Rain and now He has.

We know so many are pressing in for healing in many areas, we love coming into agreement with those prayers! God truly is Yahweh Rapha (the LORD our Healer). Continue reading

The Creator’s Essence

Creators EssenceSome of you may already be familiar with our sister ministry, the Scent of Heaven. They create the loveliest anointing oils. Each oil is prophetically blended and has beautiful meaning and revelation. In early 2014, Carol (the founder of Scent of Heaven and the hands behind it) released a book called the Creator’s Essence that shares the prophetic revelations behind many of the oils. The book can be used as a devotional or simply as a peek into the prophetic process. Continue reading

Subscribe & Share Double Giveaway!

First off, congrats to Donna Fuller – our winner of the 16×20 subscriber giveaway!!!

Since the time-frame on the last giveaway was a short one, we decided to continue to encourage folks to get subscribed (and to bless those who already are) by doing a subscriber giveaway! But we also wanted to encourage you to tell your friends about Dyed4you Art, so we added a second giveaway package for telling your friend(s) about us! Continue reading

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