Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: Dyed4you silks (Page 1 of 3)

Introducing: Created to Create

Created to Create – Dyed4you Art

This week’s release, Created to Create, began as a Prophetic “Portrait” given as a gift to a prophetic artist whose work I’ve fallen in love with: Jessica Smith. As I was thinking of her and the blessing her work has been to me, Papa began stirring the idea for this piece. When it was complete I also made a copy for my office (below) as well as gifting one to another artist friend. Beautiful how Papa blessed each of us through this piece! I pray the art and its word bless you too.

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Introducing: God of Compassion (El Rachum) & a Testimony

Excited to introduce this week’s release: God of Compassion (El Rachum). This piece began as a stirring in my heart that was confirmed when one of our Dyed4you team members shared a prophetic download on tears (Journey of Destiny). As I began sharing the Prophetic Nuggets that went with this piece on the Author Meghan Williams facebook page, one of our long-time friends and part of the Dyed4you Community reached out to say how much they were ministering to her, and so I shared the in-progress version of God of Compassion (El Rachum). She told me immediately she wanted to get it, and wings of the silk that was in it, and she added Hebrew to the silks. Below she shares her testimony, and we hope you are blessed by it and the art and its word.

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Introducing: Faithful Victory & God Knowing Best

This week’s release, Faithful Victory, began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. Part of what I love about her testimony (which is shared below) is that she’s still chewing on part and waiting on the full revelation. So often that’s the case! We don’t have to “get it” all at once. We can prayerfully ponder it and enjoy as Papa reveals layer by layer as we wait on Him. We hope you’re blessed by the art and its word as well as by the testimony below. Continue reading

Introducing: Forever Bloom (& Comfort and Honor Testimony)

This week’s release is a poignant one because its a Prophetic “Portrait” that was created in honor of a celebration of life for a dear friend’s niece who passed on (it was displayed with its word and printcards were available for people to take with them). It’s name is Forever Bloom. We recently also shared another testimony about this piece from someone else who received a printcard – Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art. We hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Grace Full Transformation

Our newest release is the first to include a picture of one of our stunning painted silks. These silks are first dyed in our normal way and then one of our gifted team members paints a prophetic piece onto the dyed silk. The silk in this image is called His Voice Thunders and includes a painted roaring lion (see below). It was fun to see how God wove that meaning into the word for Grace Full Transformation. We hope you enjoy the art and its word and that it blesses you! Continue reading

Introducing: Blooming Faith

During our weekly Lunchtime Lives on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page (which we include each week with the Prophetic Nugget we share during the livestream), we’ve talked on numerous occasions about dayenu, which means it would have been sufficient (here’s what we shared this past week: Hold Fast and Give Thanks). It’s a reminder that God has done enough to be worthy of praise even if He does no more. It’s about staying in a place of gratitude and praise regardless of circumstance. This week’s release, Blooming Faith, includes a pair of silks called Dayenu and falls along the same theme. We hope the art and its word will be a blessing to you! Continue reading

Introducing: Intertwined Strength

This week’s release, called Intertwined Strength, is another image that began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. And like last week’s release (Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)), this was a Prophetic “Portrait” set including a silk and pendant (pictures below). The recipient was very blessed and we nabbed a screen shot of her on livestream wearing her silk (below). We hope you’re blessed by the new piece and its word! We’ll be sharing more on this piece tomorrow on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page via livestream – 1pm central time, hope to see you there (FYI we’ll share it on our Dyed4you Ministries site after the fact if you can’t be there). Continue reading

Introducing: Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit

Very excited to introduce this week’s release Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit. Birthing this piece and the silks associated with it was truly a labor of love, but oh what sweet fruit from it already! One testimony is already on our Dyed4you blog, it’s called Mighty Confirmation. We’ll be sharing about this art / silk tomorrow during our Lunchtime Live on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page.  We hope this piece and its word bless you! Continue reading

Viola Being Honored

This is a lovely glimpse into a sweet moment where one of our Dyed4you Community was giving honor to someone in her life by gifting her a Dyed4you Art gift set that included an 8×10 photographic print of Honored (which she had framed – it’s beautiful!), a beautiful Dyed4you Ministry Crinkle Silk called Whom Honor is Due, and she added an anointing oil called Accepted in the Beloved. Though the video captures the beginning of this moment (at one point you hear her reading a Prophetic Nugget called Giving and Receiving Honor), you can see how much she enjoys them, by the end once all the words connected to the gift had been read and the full weight of what Papa was saying to her had sunk in, she was sobbing. Completely wrecked in the most beautiful way. God is so beautiful in how He loves on His children! Continue reading

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