Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 5 of 15)

Introducing: Blooming Faith

During our weekly Lunchtime Lives on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page (which we include each week with the Prophetic Nugget we share during the livestream), we’ve talked on numerous occasions about dayenu, which means it would have been sufficient (here’s what we shared this past week: Hold Fast and Give Thanks). It’s a reminder that God has done enough to be worthy of praise even if He does no more. It’s about staying in a place of gratitude and praise regardless of circumstance. This week’s release, Blooming Faith, includes a pair of silks called Dayenu and falls along the same theme. We hope the art and its word will be a blessing to you! Continue reading

Introducing: Intertwined Strength

This week’s release, called Intertwined Strength, is another image that began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. And like last week’s release (Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)), this was a Prophetic “Portrait” set including a silk and pendant (pictures below). The recipient was very blessed and we nabbed a screen shot of her on livestream wearing her silk (below). We hope you’re blessed by the new piece and its word! We’ll be sharing more on this piece tomorrow on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page via livestream – 1pm central time, hope to see you there (FYI we’ll share it on our Dyed4you Ministries site after the fact if you can’t be there). Continue reading

Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)

Like our previous release (Introducing: Gibbor (Mighty One), A Hubby’s Gift), this piece, Tenacious Bloom, also originated as a Prophetic “Portrait.” The first was for the husband, and the second was a Prophetic “Portrait” set (with silk and pendant) for the wife. We included keychains for them as gifts. 🙂 She was just as blessed by her Prophetic “Portrait” as he’d been by his. Here’s what she shared with us: Continue reading

Introducing: Gibbor (Mighty One), A Hubby’s Gift

A with many of the recent releases, this week’s release Gibbor (Mighty One) began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. It was a gift purchased by a wife for her hubby as his birthday gift. Later when we shared the image on our Dyed4you Art FB page she shared, “This is the one you made for my husband. I gave it to him yesterday for his birthday. He loves it!” Next week you’ll get to see the one that went to her 🙂 In the meantime, we pray the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit

Very excited to introduce this week’s release Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit. Birthing this piece and the silks associated with it was truly a labor of love, but oh what sweet fruit from it already! One testimony is already on our Dyed4you blog, it’s called Mighty Confirmation. We’ll be sharing about this art / silk tomorrow during our Lunchtime Live on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page.  We hope this piece and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Eyes Fixed

Periodically, Papa has us revisit one of our existing pieces and He gives us new insight and sometimes a new direction for it. This week’s release is one such example. Eyes Fixed is a derivative piece of our Strong in the Lord piece, which was released nearly a decade ago. Each piece has a distinctive message, but both along a spiritual warfare theme. We hope you are blessed by this new piece and its word as well as the original! Continue reading

Introducing: Anointed for War: Knight Light

Excited to introduce our newest release which is part of our Warrior series. It’s called Anointed for War: Knight Light. If this piece feels somewhat familiar, it’s because it is a derivative piece from our Refuse To Be Moved image. This piece came forth from a vision, but it connected with the visual from Refuse To Be Moved, thus bringing forth Knight Light (which yes, we laughed at God’s pun on that one too). We hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading

Introducing: Firm Foundation

So excited to introduce this week’s release (which was actually created just this past week). It is called Firm Foundation. For those of you who follow our Dyed4you Art Facebook page, you know we post one of our pieces everyday for discussion. On a day I’d shared our Honored piece, someone felt the image was saying, “The Word has been since the establishing of the earth and will remain beyond the breaking of its foundations.” Though that wasn’t the meaning Papa had given us for that piece (and we know that He will often speak different things to others which is great), I immediately knew He wanted a piece with that meaning created. Continue reading

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