Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 14 of 15)

Introducing: the Double series

DoubleDuetSo excited to be sharing our newest series with you: Double, which consists of two images: Double Rest and Double Authority. We had such a blast birthing this duet! It took a bit to get where the Father was going (because He’s never had me release two images that were so similar before), but once we caught hold of where He was going we couldn’t help be blown away (and in some moments tickled) to see all the ways He emphasized and reemphasized the double theme. Continue reading

Introducing: Secret Place

SecretPlace_FBSo excited to introduce to you the newest Dyed4you Art image named Secret Place. Each piece I create effects me differently, and every once and a while I get to create one that just touches me deeply. This is one of those pieces.

I shared this image (but not the word that went with it) with a dear friend of mine who is on our Dyed4you Prophetic team and I was so blessed by what she shared back that I wanted to pass it along so you all could be blessed by it as well. Continue reading

Introducing: Refreshing Presence

HisTemple_FBRefreshing Presence was actually created during the fall of 2014. There was MUCH warfare around getting this image created!  I ended up having to recreate it three full times, but in the end the initial recipient was very blessed and now it’s an honor to release it to the community at large. I pray it’s a blessing to you! Continue reading

Introducing: The Breaking

TheBreaking_FBThis is a piece near and dear to my heart as it originates from a vision the Father gave my husband about himself, which was then confirmed through our pastor. It’s called The Breaking. So many of us have been wounded – often by people in authority – that we’re skittish, even around God. We struggle with trusting Him. And yet we are in the best care possible if we yield to Him. Continue reading

Introducing: Come Up Higher

ComeUpHigher_FBIt is with much excitement I introduce our newest piece: Come Up Higher.  This piece is inspired by Revelation 4:1-6. What is fun about this piece is that a key piece came from one of YOU! I posted on our Dyed4you Art Facebook page that I was pondering heaven’s door and one of you commented, “There is a description in the Bible. :)”  It wasn’t like I didn’t know it was there, but I knew the gentle nudge was from Abba. The next thing I knew, Come Up Higher was falling into place.  Continue reading

Introducing: Treasured Garden

TreasuredGarden_FBIntroducing the newest in our Song of Solomon series: Treasured Garden. A dream-like quality to the image, which was inspired by a worship song we hovered on this past weekend. The artistic style of the image is a little different than what we’ve created before, it was inspired by a fellow prophetic artist, Dolores DeVelde. I love how Father speaks through each of us! I pray you’re blessed by our newest piece 🙂 Continue reading

Introducing: Irrepressible Joy

Joy-FBIt is always fun to release new art pieces, and this one has a fun story as well.  One of you ordered a prophetic choice image on the last day of the recent poster sale. Since I run the sale because of the sale my printer runs, it meant the print needed to be ordered within 24 hours. I chuckled to myself and thought “well, at least I know it’s not a new piece of art since there’s no time!” And immediately I felt a check. Continue reading

Introducing: Releasing All

ReleasingAll-FBThis piece is deeply personal for me.  I sat down after a great loss and asked the Father to birth an image that reflected my heart towards Him even in the midst of it all, and Releasing All is what came forth. The image relays the vulnerability of released control, but also the complete freedom that comes with holding nothing back from Him. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away – blessed be the name of the Lord! Continue reading

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