Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Tag: art release (Page 13 of 15)

Introducing: Wings of Majesty

WingsOfMajestyThe newest piece in the Soaring series called Wings of Majesty. This deep, peaceful image is based off Psalm 139:7-10, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You [are] there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You [are there]. [If] I take the wings of the morning, [And] dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.” We pray it blesses you! Continue reading

Introducing: Bloom Unashamed

Bloom UnashamedThe inspiration for the newest Dyed4you Art piece came from an inspirational image we created to share on our Facebook page (see image below). This is the second time this has happened (the first was our Mourning into Dancing piece). This new image is called Bloom Unashamed and the word that goes with it speaks to our identity and being content to be who we were created to be rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others.  Continue reading

Introducing: Healing Rain

HealingRain_FBThis is a piece I’ve had stirring in my spirit for a while. We have a Dyed4you silk named Healing Rain, and there is a Scent of Heaven anointing oil called Healing Rain; so I’ve been waiting for Father to bring forth a Dyed4you Art piece called Healing Rain and now He has.

We know so many are pressing in for healing in many areas, we love coming into agreement with those prayers! God truly is Yahweh Rapha (the LORD our Healer). Continue reading

Introducing: Prayer Warrior

Prayer WarriorA week ago, I sat with a prayer warrior friend of mine looking through Dyed4you Art’s collection of prayer and intercession related artwork. Father had put some specific things on her heart that He was speaking to her and as she shared them with me I realized nothing we had fit what He’d shared exactly. So I left pondering the pieces we’d discussed and this image is what the Lord brought forth.

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Introducing: Third Watch

Third WatchThis is a piece near and dear to my heart because I love the night watch, especially third watch.  It’s a time I’ve felt called to for years. When this piece began stirring in my spirit, I had no idea this was the direction He was going.  Initially He began highlighting moonbows to me. I never had heard of such a thing, and as I pressed in I began to see a night piece highlighting His promises. And as the image took shape, I heard the words “Third Watch” and began to better understand the meaning behind the vision He was birthing through this art piece. Continue reading

Introducing: Window of Heaven

WindowofHeaven_FBIntroducing the next image in the Revelation series, Window of Heaven (This image is also part of an Open Heaven duet, the first image being Heaven’s Door). This is the provision/financial-related art piece Dyed4you Art has created. This is a topic near and dear to my heart having seen God move powerfully and miraculously in my life and the lives of the faithful around me. I pray you are blessed by this piece and the word Father downloaded with it.  Continue reading

Introducing: Raining His Love

RainingLove_FBFor those who saw my previous post (New Art on Display), this new Dyed4you Art image was inspired by the David Munoz image called Your Love Feels Like…, which I have on display in my home (see below). In his image, David includes the verbiage “Your love feels like flying through a rain of rose petals.” This imagery spoke so powerfully to me, it began stirring something in my spirit. Thus Raining His Love (the newest image in our Song of Solomon series) was born. Continue reading

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