This week’s release is called Heavenly Ascent. It is based on the story of Jacob at Bethel with the dream of the angels ascending and descending from heaven. Earlier this year, we birthed a silk called Bethel (see video of a long flag in the Bethel style below). The flag in the video we share was the silk used in this art and we ultimately gifted both the flag and the art to our friends David and Claire of Called to Flag (read our whole post on our flags from them and more). You’ll see them opening their package from us in the second video below (she pulls out the Heavenly Ascent art piece about 30 seconds in). Continue reading
Category: In Action (Page 4 of 7)
Excited to introduce the next image in our Revelation (Mysteries of God) series, which is called: Bezel El (Shadow of God). This image is all about our pursuit of Him and the richness He has for us as we abide with Him. We hope this piece and its word bless you! You can see it on display as 11×14 mounted art in the picture below along side a custom-sized framed photographic print of Watchman on the Wall π Continue reading
This week I’m excited to be releasing a new personal favorite (which based on the Facebook feedback so far looks like it’s quickly becoming a crowd favorite too) called Heir of Promise. This was originally created as a Prophetic “Portrait” and there is a neat testimony in the works for that story, but God gifted me a copy of the image (a framed piece of mounted art – see below) when it was complete as well, and the word was an awesome encouragement and confirmation. It gave me fresh insight and revelation and is a reminder I am loving having hanging in my “prayer closet” along with several other encouraging pieces π Continue reading
Excited to introduce the next image in our No Fear series called Joyful Warrior. Like a number of our recent releases, Joyful Warrior was birthed as a Prophetic βPortraitβ and we’re now releasing it to the gallery so it can be a blessing to everyone. This image is currently our branding on the Dyed4you Ministries site (see below) and is enough of a favorite it is displayed as a custom magnet on my fridge (see below). We pray that this piece and its word bless you! Continue reading
Thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our Angel series called Flaming Sword. This piece was originally created as a Prophetic Portrait that was given as a gift to Larisa of Dyed4you. She was overwhelmingly blessed by it. It was inspired by a joint vision Father gave as we were praying together. The word that came forth to go with the art both blessed her and brought confirmation – hopefully at some point she’ll share her longer testimony, but in the meantime her immediate response is shared below as well as the link to read the full word, which we pray will bless you too! Continue reading
This beautiful addition to our “Painted” series, is called Eyes of Mercy. It was originally birthed as a Prophetic “Portrait”, and is now being released so you all can be blessed by the word that goes with this poignant piece. We pray it is a blessing to you! Continue reading
This is an extra fun one for me to release because it’s the first piece I’m releasing that I am in personally and you can see me π The name of this one is Paniym [Face or Presence] and it is a POWERFUL word! The silk in it (His Abiding Presence, a multi-silk word including both Cloud by Day and Fire by Night) has already had multiple testimonies from the various recipients (e.g. Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit). I pray the art and its word (and the silk too) bless you! Continue reading
These pieces were inspired from a conversation with my dear friend Gloria Board, author of the book series Learn Haitian Creole. I have had a heart for Haiti for years with a husband who has gone on several missions trips there as well as a close friend being from there – it really isn’t surprising. π Additionally, Dyed4you Ministries has a Ayiti (Mountainous Land) silk (used in the Heart for Ayiti art) that was inspired by the colors in the Haitian flag. We pray both the art, its word, and the silk are a blessing to you and encourage you to look at Gloria’s book if you are interested in learning Creole. We do have all our Haiti-inspired pieces available in our Dyed4you Readymade store π Continue reading
I confess I feel a connection to this piece that I never have before – it’s because I’m in it. You can’t see me anymore because I’m layered behind the angel and the lion, but in the final image you can still see the tip of the Flaming Throne of God flag I was holding (see below). The name of the piece is Fiery Extravagant Love. Continue reading
Excited to officially release Drawing from the Source, an image that is one near and dear to my heart because it was created based off of a vision my pastor shared during one of the first weeks at my (then) new church home. (The silk is also one I own personally and love: Joy of the Anointing). This image hangs behind my pastor’s desk and is displayed in his wife’s office as well (see below). I pray the art and its word bless you too! Continue reading
Recently I took some beautiful pictures of a dear friend for use in future Dyed4you Art, and the piece – God of Wonders – was the first. I love this image so much it’s already hanging on my wall (see below) – and you can see Joy Comes in the Morning in the background as well. π I hope this piece and its word bless you as well, and may you never lose your wonder! Continue reading
Anyone who follows our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page knows that I (Meghan) love when God commingles anointings between ministries. Since a couple of the words Lana Vawser has given are quoted in silk letters, it blessed me when we were contacted by her husband wanting to use our Abundant Fruit image for the header on their ministry website. π Continue reading
The image we’re releasing today is actually the first of our Prophetic “Portraits” to be officially released, and we’re getting to release it with a testimony from its original recipient. π We love getting to hear testimonies on all our art but especially from our Prophetic “Portraits”! This one had the image size increased to an 11×14 and it arrived with a small silk added. It’s name is Make a Sound. It’s awesome how Papa God uses the same words to bless and minister to each of us differently. Here’s what the wife of the recipient passed along to us with the picture of how he’d displayed his gift. Continue reading
So excited to be “officially” announcing the release of the newest piece in our Worship Warfare series: Heart Praise. This is another one that was birthed (along with a silk) and shared on my personal blog (Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song), but this one was unique in that the art was created first and the silk followed. Continue reading
Since this was our first official Prophetic “Portrait”, it was exciting to get such beautiful feedback. She opted to upsize from the standard 8×10 to an 11×14 gift set with a large silk, and when she found out I was making flags to use in her art, she got those as well (video of them below). π Continue reading