The newest addition to our Living Word series is a piece called No Other Gods that started as a derivative art piece based on one we created nearly a decade ago. When the revised piece was complete, we expanded the word, and then I sat with it for a while because something wasn’t settling. After a while I realized it’s because the whole piece needed to be redone, and when the new one was finished I adored it! I hope you will too – and we hope you’ll be blessed by its word as well. 🙂 Continue reading
Author: Dyed4you Art (Page 6 of 24)
This week’s release is the next in the Music of Heaven series. It’s called Open the Gates with Praise. It’s been fun to see as He’s highlighted various instruments for praise in this series, and when I photographed one of our Dyed4you team members during a recent visit, I was happily surprised when He made the connection with her tambourine for this series. I pray you’re blessed by this piece and its word. Continue reading
Today’s release is one that has deep meaning for me. Last spring, we introduced a Dyed4you Art piece called Hope and a Future. I shared that the inspiration came from a dear artist friend of mine, Laura. In addition to being an artist, she served as a missionary for many years – much of it in Mozambique with Iris Ministries (Heidi Baker’s ministry). This sweet friend of mine passed on this week. And though I know she is in a far better place now, my heart misses her so. In honor of this precious woman of God, I felt led to create a piece of Dyed4you Art. And the name of this piece is Look Ahead. I hope the art and its word bless you! Continue reading
This week’s release is another image that was birthed as a Prophetic “Portrait” that we’ve turned into Scripture Art and are releasing to the main gallery. It’s called Season of Bounty and includes a silk of the same name. We pray the art and its word bless you! Continue reading
Today’s release is the newest in our Intercession series and its called Surrendered Heart. This piece has been in the works for a while now. It’s amazing how some pieces come together quickly while others require a fair amount of travail. I’m sure it’s no accident and intercession piece required more prayer to release! We hope the art and its word bless you 🙂 Continue reading
Our newest release is the first to include a picture of one of our stunning painted silks. These silks are first dyed in our normal way and then one of our gifted team members paints a prophetic piece onto the dyed silk. The silk in this image is called His Voice Thunders and includes a painted roaring lion (see below). It was fun to see how God wove that meaning into the word for Grace Full Transformation. We hope you enjoy the art and its word and that it blesses you! Continue reading
Today’s release is one that was created less than 48 hours ago. When it was complete a couple of us from the Dyed4you Art team starting getting an immediate download. We still aren’t entirely certain why Papa had such an urgency for this piece, but I’m excited to introduce Harvest Light. Continue reading
This week brings the next addition to our Living Word series. It’s called The Seeker’s Keys. It’s a derivative of a custom piece we created nearly ten years ago that was never released called Gatekeeper (which is the name of the Dyed4you silk featured in the art piece. We hope that the art and its word are a blessing to you! Continue reading
This week’s release was inspired by some beautiful portraits I did of Mary B wearing her Emanate Light spin flags which she repurposed as a veil (and it moves and blows amazingly). The new piece called Time to Soar is part of our Soaring series. I pray that the art and its word bless you! Continue reading
Our friends at Fire and Colour are featuring another Dyed4you Art piece this week: Mighty Warrior by Meghan Williams. The full word for our Mighty Warrior piece can be found in its gallery page. They featured our Floodgates of Heaven piece back in June, and can I just say I have enjoyed not just all the amazing prophetic art they’ve been sharing on their blog, but the stunning layouts she creates to accent each art piece. She has an amazing eye and is a wonderful artist as well. I hope you’ll consider following her blog and being blessed by more of the work she shares 🙂
This week’s release is our newest in the Music of Heaven series, it’s called Portals of Praise. This piece features a keyboard (others in this series have featured a guitar, violin, and vocalist). This is one of our derivative pieces and is based on our Window of Heaven piece. We pray that the art and its word are a blessing to you! Continue reading
This week’s release is the next in our Scripture Art, it’s called Harvest Joy. It was inspired by a prophetic post someone had shared online along with a wheat field. Immediately, I began “seeing” this piece and then the scripture and word came together in this much needed word of encouragement. I pray the art and its word bless you! Continue reading
I’m particularly excited about this week’s release because it is one near and dear my heart. It’s called Mighty Warrior and it happens to feature one of my nephews and the word was birthed as a form of intercession (which has already been bearing much fruit). I know this latest addition to the Warrior series will bless others as well! I hope you are touch by the art and its word. Continue reading
During our weekly Lunchtime Lives on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page (which we include each week with the Prophetic Nugget we share during the livestream), we’ve talked on numerous occasions about dayenu, which means it would have been sufficient (here’s what we shared this past week: Hold Fast and Give Thanks). It’s a reminder that God has done enough to be worthy of praise even if He does no more. It’s about staying in a place of gratitude and praise regardless of circumstance. This week’s release, Blooming Faith, includes a pair of silks called Dayenu and falls along the same theme. We hope the art and its word will be a blessing to you! Continue reading
This week’s release, called Intertwined Strength, is another image that began as a Prophetic “Portrait”. And like last week’s release (Introducing: Tenacious Bloom (for the Wife)), this was a Prophetic “Portrait” set including a silk and pendant (pictures below). The recipient was very blessed and we nabbed a screen shot of her on livestream wearing her silk (below). We hope you’re blessed by the new piece and its word! We’ll be sharing more on this piece tomorrow on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page via livestream – 1pm central time, hope to see you there (FYI we’ll share it on our Dyed4you Ministries site after the fact if you can’t be there). Continue reading