Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Posters for the Prayer Room

Here’s a story from someone who was given a D4Yart Gift Certificate and ordered two posters, Come Away and had us do one prophetically, which was the then unreleased Uncharted. Love what she shared…

…my team blessed me with a gift certificate to Dyed4you Art. They knew that we are in the process of an addition…in which there will be a room designated for exercise and prayer. I had mentioned that I wanted to get some of your work and my sister-in-law’s work to decorate that area with. I was waiting to use my gift certificate until the room was ready, but when you had your last sale I asked my husband if we could spare the extra dollars at that time to purchase the art work.

We both fell in love with “Come Away”. I did not realize it until your note came in the mail, that one of the verses that “Come Away” is built upon is 1 Chronicles 16:11. That verse was the verse God gave me to lean on last year. It is still a very precious one to me – very close to my heart. The themes you mentioned in the work are ones God has been teaching me about over the past couple of years… that we are royalty and that I am called to be a warrior princess…wow! The next day during my devotional time God gave me this poem about the picture. It too is called “Come Away” and I want to share it with you.

“Come Away”

Come away, Beloved Daughter

Come away to the place your
heart yearns for

The door to greater intimacy is

Step inside, sit in my presence

Climb into my lap

And hear my heart beating for

Come away, snuggle into my

Come away, find protection in my

No greater joy does my soul

Then when you, my Child,
“come away”

My second piece was a prophetic work. Meghan, once again you nailed so clearly what I needed to hear from the Lord. My note describing the works came about four days before the pictures. I was in the middle of my devotion time – on a day that I begged God to let me see Him, when my husband brought me the mail, with your note. I started to cry as I read your words. That God would care enough about me, to speak so tenderly to my heart through a complete stranger humbled and humbles me beyond words.

First, the very first verse you quote – Jeremiah 29:11 {-14} is my life verse. “Uncharted…” Where to begin… God has called me to live a life of the uncharted. The calling and vision I have is not one that I know how to obtain or where my next step is. It is definitely off “the beaten path”. Yet, I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is there, like you said , hovering and directing me.

God has placed a dream in my heart when I was in high school that I only recently told my husband about because in my heart it was unobtainable. I had believed lies for so many years that God would never be able to use me in this way. I had believed lies that it was only a dream, and I had stopped believing that my dreams would ever come to past. Through my husband God has taught that it is ok to dream again… to believe. Not only that, but my husband has too caught the dream God gave me – an uncharted road to travel and every day I know we are a step closer to stepping into it.

The silk – “All Consuming Fire” is BEAUTIFUL! Did I mention yet, that God has been on a “fire” theme with me this year? His passion for me and mine for Him keep coming about in the image of a fire burning bright and hot. How wonderful is God to show Himself to me so strongly once again? I am humbled and grateful to tears once again.

SO, all this to say thank you. Thank you for being true to what God has called you to do. Thank you for being willing to seek His face and put in long hours to be such a blessing. This Daughter of the King was and is so blessed by your ministry. May God richly pour back into you beyond your wildest dreams.

My remodeling is not yet done, but when it is I will take a picture and send it your way.

I love to hear how God uses Dyed4you Art to bless people 🙂

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  1. Tami L

    WOW!!! This one brought me to tears! Beautiful testimony. God Bless you!

  2. Donelda

    Isn’t it just like God to speak to every area and re-affirm what He is doing. He really wants us to get it right. He doesn’t want us to wonder. He wants to reveal himself to us. What a wonderful God we serve.

  3. Christine P

    Amen, amen and amen! Amen to your sharing and the beautiful poem…hope it is okay that it is going in my journal! Amen to tears flowing and amen to what Donelda said! He blows me away– <3 <3 <3

  4. Melissa Murdock

    Awwww that’s so sweet! I love the poem He gave her this is just awesome!

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