Excited to introduce this week’s release: God of Compassion (El Rachum). This piece began as a stirring in my heart that was confirmed when one of our Dyed4you team members shared a prophetic download on tears (Journey of Destiny). As I began sharing the Prophetic Nuggets that went with this piece on the Author Meghan Williams facebook page, one of our long-time friends and part of the Dyed4you Community reached out to say how much they were ministering to her, and so I shared the in-progress version of God of Compassion (El Rachum). She told me immediately she wanted to get it, and wings of the silk that was in it, and she added Hebrew to the silks. Below she shares her testimony, and we hope you are blessed by it and the art and its word.

Carolyn testimony about this art piece
God of Compassion (El Rachum) and Collected Tears wings (note Hebrew lettering near grip area)

As soon as I saw the incomplete image of God of Compassion I knew I had to have it and the flags that came with it Collected Tears.

Psalm 56:8-10 has always been one of my favorite promises of God….He saves our tears in a bottle. Our tears are so important to the Father that He saves every one of them….How loving is that? Sometimes we have tears of sorrow and shame, sometimes we have tears of joy and rejoicing, and sometimes we have tears of worship and sometimes tears of hurt and pain. I have had all of those and then some. Many times I feel like I have cried an ocean and if so, He has a bottle big enough to hold them all. Before I read that scripture I used to be ashamed of my tears and try to hide them, crying only in the shower or in the midnight hours. 

The picture is lovely and I plan to hang it in my bedroom. I haven’t framed it yet. I will take a picture of it and send it to you.

The Word that came with God of Compassion was spot on and something I desperately needed to hear in this season. Life has been hard in the past few months and there have been a multitude of tears falling down my face. My Mom went home to be with Jesus this summer, relationships in my family are like a compound fracture (not with my husband) and my heart is bruised and broken.

With that said, there is so much in the Word for the picture and for the flags that spoke to me and was absolutely on point. I love “It is here in My presence where I overwhelm your innermost being and you are in My tangible presence” definitely finds me in tears. I am always in tears when I worship and enter His presence. “Wait and trust. Resist the urge to battle and rage, and instead look to me in the midst of your storm.” So ME…when I am undone! “As you allow the tears to flow, your tears are tears of healing.”  So good and so encouraging!!

From Collected Tears “Today, the Lord says “I hear you cry and watch as tears fall from your eyes. Remember this, when you cry to me your enemies turn back and your tears, despite what you may think, become weapons of war that exercise my victory of your opposition.” That was a revelation to me! “Your tears have achieved more than you might think.” ‘Each tear is like a small prayer, a groan of your heart too deep for words. Do not underestimate their power” Another revelation!! I love that how He loves us. He does “see our tears and is not heartless to our cries and is with us through it all.” 

There is so much more in both of the Words that came with God of Compassion and Collected Tears that encouraged me, ministered to what feels like my broken heart, but through it all…He says ‘I have calculated and collected every tear. I heard every prayer and you will have an expected end. This is not the time to give up.” 

I love that He was specific with the placement of the Hebrew words…Psalm 56:8 to keep the reminder close. How loving is that? Oh my…

Thank you for listening to Him, thank you for your ministry that is so near and dear to my heart. Thank you that you are faithful to bring forth the Father’s love in a tangible way. I love my flags, they fly beautifully. I love my picture and it will have a new home near Burgeoning Life.

Oh yeah….It Is Well With My Soul!

God of Compassion (El Rachum) and Collected Tears wings

Here’s a demo video of the wings from before we shipped them.

Read the full word for God of Compassion (El Rachum)